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Bless you, good things will happen when you least expect them to.... trust me 😉 keep going x
Unicorndust · 22-25, F
Thank you for the positivity and motivation I’ll keep what you said in mind💛@SW-User

MURD3RM0NK3Y · 26-30, M
Find another friend that likes what you like.
Some people at much older ages go through what you're going through so you're definitely not alone, but I do empathise and I'm sorry that you are going through it now. The bright side to this is your age, and 17 means you have lots of time for things to change, plus they are more likely to change for you because you are younger. I'm not asking personal information but think about what your plans are for school or for a job because things like that usually lead to making friends in some kind of way. Sorry I can't be more help but I feel confident for you, I just wish I could fix it today because I know the feeling.
Unicorndust · 22-25, F
No actually you are helping me by telling me to stay hopeful. Your right I am young and usually everything seems like it’s the end of the world when it’s just the beginning. I’ll begin focusing on me and what’s best I’ll just have to push myself 💛@SW-User
@Unicorndust That's great, I'm pleased! and always come on here and talk to us if you are feeling down :)
Randomlygenerated · 26-30, F
Some of us come a little later to the dating scene! I had my first boyfriend & first kiss at 20. In my experience, it means you end up making fewer mistakes - because a little bit of maturity and security in yourself can go a long way in making relationship choices. I'm so glad I didn't have to deal with any relationship issues when still going through the confusing teen years!

As for making friends, look at what's on offer in your local area. You say you're artsy and creative - maybe join a painting or upcycling group? Push your boundaries and challenge yourself too; try something different and you may end up really enjoying it! If you can't find much in your community in the way of clubs and groups, try the library. They sometimes run short courses and groups, but even just becoming a regular makes you more likely to meet and get to know people.
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
I know what it's like to not really have any friends to talk to, no one to hold you, and care about you. I've always been challenged with meeting women and/or making friends.

Have you considered joining any groups for topics which interest you? You might be able to meet people with whom you have common interests that way.

You might also consider counseling, if your parents and/or insurance will cover the costs for your depression, etc. If you go this route, don't be afraid to try different counselors if you don't click with the first one(s) you see. Each is unique.
Unicorndust · 22-25, F
I’ve sctually never heard of meetup but I’ll check it out. One things for sure though and that’s that my insecurity will definitely hinder me from guys even though I do want a bf which is weird. But I’m going to work on myself one baby step at a time. And I will seek some type of help soon. 💙@EnigmaticGeek
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@Unicorndust Well, if you ever need a friend to listen, and be non-judgmental, I'm available. I hope I was some help! 🤗
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
only 17, I'm 23 and the world says I have a good chance
First world problems
Actually just thought 💭 you could join gym membership or leisure facilities to keep you active, learn to drive if you haven’t yet.... to have something to focus on. @Unicorndust @SoulKey

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