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TheShanachie · 61-69, M
I don’t know I am also fond of Canadians but don’t know what the complaints are against their prime minister. I’m curious, but haven’t had time to research it due to the authoritarian take over of my own country.
bijouxbroussard · F
@TheShanachie Same. I’ve asked, and get answers by Canadians who believe every problem that currently exists in Canada was personally caused by Trudeau. 🫤
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard I’m not surprised at all. I saw some things in an article somewhere but they were so trivial or unrelated to what the prime minister does I forgot what was said.
swirlie · F
As a Canadian who votes Liberal, which means I voted for Justin Trudeau the last 3 times he ran for PM and got in, I can tell you that what he's doing by stepping aside is the correct move, the correct strategic move that is!
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JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I don't think he can ignore the calls from his MPs much longer. Yes.
Ontheroad · M
@JimboSaturn yeah, that certainly what I gather... seems his days are numbered.
Lilymoon · F
Looks like it... hey Justin don't let the door hit ya on the way out! 🤭
Hatt94 · 56-60, M
Dairy Queen in Langley, British Columbia, is offering $2 burgers to commemorate Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's resignation. This promotion, dubbed the "Trudeau Resignation Special,"
I thought he already did?
swirlie · F
Trudeau made it official today, he is stepping down. But like I stated in my previous post about this, there is more strategy behind this than meets the public eye.
Trudeau will not be just dropping off his office keys at the front desk and leaving tomorrow with his pencil sharpener in hand, he has already announced that he will not be re-calling his Cabinet until the end of March 2025 which would normally be re-called from Christmas break right now in early January if all this stuff wasn't going on. This effective buys the Federal Liberal Party almost 3 months of time to get their successor chosen for Prime Minister.
During this next 2 months between January and March, a Liberal Leadership review will take place where potential successors will be vetted and prepared as candidates for the Federal Liberal Party and then voted on by the people.
Just as soon as a new Leader for the Liberal Party is determined, Trudeau will NOT seek re-Election in October which is the end of his Term as Prime Minister anyway.
The new Leader of the Federal Liberal Party will then assume the role of Prime Minister of Canada at the end of Trudeau's Term in Office, which is October.
The reason for Trudeau delaying the re-convening of Parliament until late March is to hamstring the Leader of the Conservative Party from calling for a Vote of Non-confidence in the PM, which would otherwise mean that Trudeau would have to exit, stage left immediately AND prior to a new Leader of the Liberal Party was found, otherwise throwing the Canadian government into chaos much like the US government is currently experiencing from the likes of Trump and company.
Trudeau will not be just dropping off his office keys at the front desk and leaving tomorrow with his pencil sharpener in hand, he has already announced that he will not be re-calling his Cabinet until the end of March 2025 which would normally be re-called from Christmas break right now in early January if all this stuff wasn't going on. This effective buys the Federal Liberal Party almost 3 months of time to get their successor chosen for Prime Minister.
During this next 2 months between January and March, a Liberal Leadership review will take place where potential successors will be vetted and prepared as candidates for the Federal Liberal Party and then voted on by the people.
Just as soon as a new Leader for the Liberal Party is determined, Trudeau will NOT seek re-Election in October which is the end of his Term as Prime Minister anyway.
The new Leader of the Federal Liberal Party will then assume the role of Prime Minister of Canada at the end of Trudeau's Term in Office, which is October.
The reason for Trudeau delaying the re-convening of Parliament until late March is to hamstring the Leader of the Conservative Party from calling for a Vote of Non-confidence in the PM, which would otherwise mean that Trudeau would have to exit, stage left immediately AND prior to a new Leader of the Liberal Party was found, otherwise throwing the Canadian government into chaos much like the US government is currently experiencing from the likes of Trump and company.
swirlie · F
Yes, an EXCELLENT choice! That way old Peter Polygrip and Jughead Song, can't interfere with the process either!
Yes, an EXCELLENT choice! That way old Peter Polygrip and Jughead Song, can't interfere with the process either!
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@swirlie Does make sense to trigger an election with a Liberal party leader; it would be chaos.
swirlie · F
Yes, total chaos which is what Polygrip wanted, no different than how Trump's mind thinks. It would end up being the same thing as they experienced south of the border when Kamala Harris was parachuted onto the stage to take over from her current boss Joe Biden, but then lost the Election hands-down because nobody knew her, nor did she have a clue what she was doing as a politician with no real experience behind her as such.
VP position she held doesn't count because the VP only answers to the President and therefore remains largely unaccountable to the people.
Yes, total chaos which is what Polygrip wanted, no different than how Trump's mind thinks. It would end up being the same thing as they experienced south of the border when Kamala Harris was parachuted onto the stage to take over from her current boss Joe Biden, but then lost the Election hands-down because nobody knew her, nor did she have a clue what she was doing as a politician with no real experience behind her as such.
VP position she held doesn't count because the VP only answers to the President and therefore remains largely unaccountable to the people.
Ontheroad · M
It's no longer a question, he announced he is stepping down.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
All media is reporting that his resignation is imminent. It was likely deliberately leaked as a way to get all eyes on the Liberal Party.
FreddieUK · 70-79, M
BBC broadcasting speculation that it could be today as I write this.
FoolishLuna · 56-60, F
He is nine months too late.
Hatt94 · 56-60, M
@FoolishLuna 9 years
FoolishLuna · 56-60, F
@Hatt94 well that’s true too. I guess he just wasn’t ready after all lol
calicuz · 56-60, M
If so, I hope to God they don't replace him with a MAGA stooge. MAGA ignorance is international.
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calicuz · 56-60, M
@CountScrofula @Lilymoon
Well, good luck to you all. I hope our political struggles unite us in liberty.
Well, good luck to you all. I hope our political struggles unite us in liberty.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
It will happen if Canada is lucky
Ontheroad · M
@Snuffy1957 that certainly sounds like the thoughts of the majority of folks up north.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
I hope they get their wish
I hope they get their wish
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Ontheroad · M
@SumKindaMunster so, not a fan I take it.
empanadas · 31-35, M
I can see it happening
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swirlie · F
Reminds me of Trump!
Reminds me of Trump!
@swirlie If only that were the case. But sadly a majority of my fellow countrymen don’t seem to mind farts at a funeral nor a morally bankrupt malignant narcissist and convicted felon occupying the highest office in our land.
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
He will be working more closely with Trump now
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tenente · 100+, M
@swirlie I'm not worried, Fx is still going to be in my favor no matter who's running Canada and it's not a big portion of my portfolio, my met fab businesses in NY state is the bulk of my investment. Canadians need to know, my President is going to fuck over our allies in order to send a message to our enemies, so Canadians need to accept bad days are coming and fix their leadership issue asap
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LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@swirlie Poor baby. Need a Kleenex?
swirlie · F
Start puking, you poor little puke! Trudeau just prorogued Parliament until late March, giving the Federal Liberal Party plenty of time to find a new Leader for the Party. I knew you and your red-neck buddies out there in Alberta would be HAAAAPY!
Start puking, you poor little puke! Trudeau just prorogued Parliament until late March, giving the Federal Liberal Party plenty of time to find a new Leader for the Party. I knew you and your red-neck buddies out there in Alberta would be HAAAAPY!
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@swirlie The Liberals just flushed Turdeau down the toilet. Now you’re both Swirlies!!
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