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I've discovered that women really love seeing a dad out with his daughter 😅

My gf got COVID over the weekend so I've been mostly taking care of the baby. We had my nieces birthday party over the weekend so I went with just me & my daughter, it was my first time being out & about all day with just me & her together.

Everywhere we went women kept stopping to talk to us & some would simply just turn to look at her & make comments about how cute she is 😌 even the cashier women got so excited to see her & talk to her. It was sweet so see how much they lit up over my lil baby.
I'm noticing that it happens almost every time I'm out with my daughter.

That never happens when it's me & my gf out with the baby though 😅 people don't even notice us they just carry on like usual. It definitely made me notice the difference in how strangers act whenever it's just me & Naya though.

I'm no expert, I've only seen it on movies or TV until now but I think it's kinda true that women love seeing a dad out with his baby 😂
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
Lol my husband has noticed this too. He's getting sick of the attention at this point 😆
@SwampFlower lol I like the attention 😅 maybe just because I'm kinda social & it makes me happy when people love the baby
Babies and puppies dude....

Babies and puppies are men's secret weapons.....😂
@Threepio lol I've always seen that on TV but never experienced it so I didn't know how real that was
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@Threepio I'd love to be able to say that it's true, but I can't. Otherwise I would not be single still 6 years after I left my daughter's mum.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Yep, it is a thing for sure. There is nothing quite as heart meltingly cute as a guy (especially if he is at all attractive) out with his baby or very young child. I think it speaks to some very base instincts in us female types, lol 🤷‍♀️
@SlaveEt that makes sense... I wonder what the equivalent for us guys would be 🤔 like some random normal thing women do that catch men's attention...

I guess that could be anything though 🤷😂
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@SlaveEt So it comes down to the man having to be 'attractive' in his own right which means fallback to things like the 666-rule of dating. Most women appear to automatically see a single dad is less available and therefore not a suitable 'target' of affections.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I absolutely love seeing Dad’s out with their kids.
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
Do they? I never get any attention from women when I'm out with my 6 y/o. Doesn't help that it's usually only mum's at the school she goes to and they're all married or in relationships so not interested in a hard working single dad.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@zonavar68 I think you confuse attention for sexual interest.
@zonavar68 well I think it's not exactly a way of showing interest in the man himself, (even though it could be) I think women just find interest the fact that you're being a dad so they feel more comfortable making comments or talking about the kids or baby.

So far I haven't felt like anyone was interested in me personally. Maybe just the baby & the conversation lol
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@ChiefWalksWith40oz You'd think as a single dad with a daughter that it would be an attractor. I dunno how single women in the 40+ range with young children fare. My ex is 50 next year and she only has our daughter (who will be 7 soon) but what she gets up to is none of my business. In normal social situations a women won't know I'm single and will presume I'm married (whether on not there are 'indications' of that). Many of the mums at my daughter's school probably know I am seperated from her mum since 2018 but it's never talked about and I never bring it up in conversation. My ex will never be in the same place and situation as me with our daughter - she expressly avoids that so people that don't know us don't see us together like we're still a happy family.
It is a beautiful thing to see, a father being gentle and loving with his child.
@bijouxbroussard I've gotten a lot more comfortable talking to her in front of people 😅 at first I felt kinda awkward like I didn't know how to talk to babies.. but now I just talk to her like she's my lil buddy 🤗
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Babies are chick magnets.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
They're hoping you're a single Daddy 😉 😂

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