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I will start my pre-op liver shrinkage diet next Thursday

The target is around 800 calories per day. They give you meal options, one with actual food, one with predominantly milk and one with replacement shakes. I'm going for the replacement shakes because I cba to weigh out all my food precisely to meet the calorie requirements. So I'll have three shakes per day and one meal replacement bar. At least it will be light on prep and washing up as the shakes are ready made 👏

I just hope that the nutrition is enough to avoid gastritis which I'm prone to if I don't eat enough, because of GERD.

The sh*t you have to do to get an organ removed 🙄
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BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
Are they doing laparoscopic , or because it's swollen they need to do more invasive surgery to remove your gallbladder ?

I ask , because I had mine removed laparoscopically , and shrinking of the liver wasn't required ..
@BobbyMoeven Yes, it will be laparoscopy. I have a mild fatty liver so I think that's why they want it shrunk.
If you’re in pre-op and they use a sharpie to mark off your 🍆ask for a second opinion.
@OlderSometimesWiser If I wake up with an innie I'll change my M on SW to an F 👏
@UBotMate At that point they should at least throw in breast implants for free.
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
Good luck UBot, fingers crossed it sorts everything out for you.
Bang5luts · M
I got shot in the back. Lost 1/5 of my liver or 2/10s if you live in the uk. 😏
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Did they come to a conclusion that it's necessary?
@CrazyMusicLover Yeah, it's necessary to shrink the liver so that it doesn't get in the way during surgery
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@UBotMate I mean the surgery
@CrazyMusicLover Ohh, lol, yeah. The surgeon was pretty sure that's the root cause of my issues and the findings from the scan support that.

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