bijouxbroussard · F
I definitely understand. The furthest I’ve ever traveled to see a band was RHCP in Los Angeles, but when I went to see them perform I was visiting my cousins Emile and Yvette, who live there. .
Selah ·
@bijouxbroussard yup that's the only way I'll go. If it aligns with other plans
HijabaDabbaDoo · F
Girl I'd fly to another country if there was a reunion tour. Someone lied to me and said there was gonna be a destinys child reunion tour
Ok, it was me😔 I lied to myself and my friends. I got everybody's hopes up last year because I heard that their website came back up and it was their 25th anniversary
Ok, it was me😔 I lied to myself and my friends. I got everybody's hopes up last year because I heard that their website came back up and it was their 25th anniversary
Selah ·
@HijabaDabbaDoo you were manifesting 😭. I think it's gonna happen in the next 5yrs.
Captainjackass · 31-35, M
I traveled an hour to see my favorite podcast live twice but thats it.
How will she manage? 😱