bijouxbroussard · F
A lot of my dreams involve reunions with people I’ve loved and lost, so I’ve hoped that’s so, too.
FeralMindset · M
How do you know we don’t? Maybe that’s what the best dreams are. Glimpses of the other side.
cyberdude28 · 31-35, M
@FeralMindset That would be so outstandingly amazing!
A lovely thing to contemplate. 🙂
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Who's to say you don't. Believe whatever you want to believe, maybe it will come true.
There's no harm in believing in that if that's what you would like to happen.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Think of your happiest memory and turn off the timer so it lasts forever. Is that what happens when we die? Or our worst nightmare? Is that heaven Vs hell?