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Childhood friends

Has anyone,like me.Ever wondered what happened to those childhood friends you lost contact with long ago? Maybe you wish you could find out what they're up to now?
Or perhaps you'd rather leave them in the past?
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My best friend, and closest connection to the past, is still here. We've enjoyed a 30 year friendship, that's only gotten stronger with the passage of time. Recalling boyhood mischief like it were yesterday.

2 years ago I ran into my 6th grade buddy from the back row. The playground partner who rescued me after a violent sledding mishap.
After 30 years he was delighted to see me in a pizza shop. Always wondered what happened to him. Turns out he was living close by all these years.

The others, though, drifted or moved away. I made attempts to contact them, but they were either disinterested or untraceable.

Some 20 years had passed, when I ran into a neighborhood acquaintance at our old 7-11.
He had changed little. I was apprehensive, but he spoke first; excited to see me and full of questions. I was amazed he still remembered me.

Of all the sidekicks, I've always wondered where my 8yr old friend in #3B went. We were inseparable; up to and including a serious biking accident where he was hit by a car.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Sometimes I do. But I also think it may be better to leave it in the past as meeting them and seeing how much they changed could ruin the memories.
looping · 22-25
i often daydream about walking past people from school. in my imagination i've been working out and miraculously grown into my looks instead of looking awkward. which is the best way to describe me both personality and looks wise. it'd just be a glance, they'd notice me walk by and maybe think "hey he seems to be doing pretty good for himself"

but in reality i'm sure it would be the opposite. i wouldn't be recognised. and if i were, they'd probably choose to ignore my presence. then again i would absolutely do the same. i hate seeing people i used to be fond of or even just people who were once in my daily life.
i do wonder...i don't do fb but my brother has. he has had people i went to school with ask about me but he didn't respond as he doesn't know who these people are. he will tell me so and so asked about you and i was like...crap i had such a crush on her but she never paid any attention to me 😥
drymer · 56-60, M
I reconnected with my 1st gf a few years ago. I was nice having some closure and understanding just what had happened. We had broken up kind of abruptly and I moved countries soon after and lost contact. I had many questions that remained unanswered for decades, and it was nice finally knowing the answers. At around the same time I also reconnected with my best friend at that time, but then I realize how much people change.

In short, I appreciate having the opportunity to reconnect, but then I realized that I was better to leave things in the past. What we *really* want is not reconnecting with our old friends, but "going back in time" and experience the good things we experienced in our younger years, and that is just not possible.
GypsyMiss · 46-50, F
I lost contact with very early school friends after our family moved out of the area. But, the magic of Facebook has brought friends from year 3 upwards full circle.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Occasionally they pop up as a passing thought early morning if i can't sleep.

But i think the past is often best left alone.

Just because you could try and look them up doesn't mean you should
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
No i dont really think about any of them. Most of them i cant remember their last names.
If we’ve lost touch… there’s a reason why. So no. I’m good.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
Some of them, I wonder about... Others, not as much.
Do you ever look them up on social media?
iamnikki · 31-35, F
of course. I've googled folks before.
Lostpoet · M
I just use facebook to spy on them
Atlotto · M
I keep in touch with most of them.
swirlie · F
When I started grade 1 in my rural Canadian school I met my childhood best girlfriend who lived on the next farm down the road from our place. We were inseparable after that first day of school and we'd go on some wild boy-ambushing adventures in our rural countryside that I would contrive and she would follow through on. I'd send her in to do the dirty work as I watched from the sidelines, while highly commending her gallant efforts those few times when things didn't work out as I'd planned for those nasty boys.

One day in our grade 3 class, the school Principal came in and told her in front of the class that he'd just received word that her father had died on their farm and she was to return home immediately. I left the class with her because she lived beside our farm and I convinced the Principal to call my dad to come and pick us up to take her home, which he did.

My 8 year old best girlfriend didn't really register with the new reality in her family for quite some time thereafter, but during that week of her dad's funeral she told me with very light, very happy composure that she herself will never live beyond the age of 29 and that when she dies, she will be cremated!

At the time, 29 years of age was an age reserved for 'old people' in my 8 year old's mind, so her dying at the age of 29 seemed to be a reasonable presumption of her own morality, at least to me it did.

Then after we stuck together all through high school and then took different paths in life after our graduation day celebration, we lost track of each other completely.

Just a few years ago at the beginning of the Covid pandemic, I went home to my parent's farm to make sure they were understanding what was going on and while I was there, my mom and I stopped into the community cemetery to place flowers on a gravesite where one of her friends had recently died of Covid.

It was a familiar cemetery for me because that was the same place my childhood girlfriend's father had been Interred when we were both 8 years old as we both stood by his open grave on the day of his funeral beside her grieving mom.

Leaving my mom for a moment at her Late friend's grave site, I wandered over to my best girlfriend's dad's gravesite to rekindle those old memories of him from my childhood, when all of a sudden I almost fell to my knees as I read my girlfriend's full name etched within the granite of her father's headstone. 🥺

There was her name, directly underneath her dad's name along with the date and year she had died, which was actually the day of her 29th birthday.

The worst part for me was that she had only died 4 months prior to me arriving there in the cemetery that day. A small brown patch of square-cut grass where her Urn had been Interred in front of her father's headstone had still not had enough sun and rain to spring that patch of brown grass back to green again since the day she'd been cremated 4 months earlier.

Somehow when we were both 8 years old, she could see how it would all unfold for herself when she shared her intuitive knowing with me which I never forgot.
Lilnonames · F
im still friends with a boy from when we was five hes married now and im friends with his wife as well
@Lilnonames that's awesome...that friendship will last a lifetime 🙂
Lilnonames · F
@beermeplease yes it will😊
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
Oh yes! I have two I would like to find and reconnect with. I have tried searching Facebook and LinkedIn for them, but no luck.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@Musicman maybe ask others who knew of them
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@iamnikki I have. The problem is I am a lot older than you. I haven't seen these guys in 50 years.

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