How to stop being angry about being hold down during my childhood?
My parents were very anxious, introverted people and that wasn't much what I could do as a child. I couldn't go swimming, I couldn't learn to ski, I couldn't play outside, couldn't go to a camp - because I would get a cold, hurt myself, people would laugh... The whole world was declared dangerous...
I now go climbing and see all those kids being supported by their parents and trainers to be brave. I so wish there would have been one person in my life during my childhood who would dare me to try such things as climbing or jumping into the sea...
Sometimes I'm very upset about it because I think I could be a different person if I wouldn't have been that severely restricted for the first 16 years of my life. How to get over this anger? Thanks!
I now go climbing and see all those kids being supported by their parents and trainers to be brave. I so wish there would have been one person in my life during my childhood who would dare me to try such things as climbing or jumping into the sea...
Sometimes I'm very upset about it because I think I could be a different person if I wouldn't have been that severely restricted for the first 16 years of my life. How to get over this anger? Thanks!