you are releasing it, emotions are hard work. the dying is just a shedding of things u no longer need so ur emotions are readjusting for a while afterwards.
Sometimes it’s something we’ve held onto too tightly…so tightly that we didn’t realize how much of our energy was being used to keep it safeguarded. And then allowing ourselves to have that release could easily make us feel a bit empty, especially if it was buried that deeply within us for a good amount of time. Then added to that is the feeling of now being vulnerable having given that part of ourselves up. It’s…yeah. It’s supposed to be therapeutic and very much needed for inner clarity and peace…which I think it is most of the time when you have that safe place to release what’s weighing on you…but there’s times when it generates the exact opposite reaction.
Because being authentic in a chaotic world can be exhausting. I don't die inside. I just live authentically. Course I have been doing this for a long, long time.
The last time someone poured their heart out to me I caught it in a cocktail shaker. I shook it around for a while, a few times in back of my head. After it became liquefied. I poured it out into cocktail glasses and served it up as heart martinis. They were a big hit at the party.
I only die inside when the heart pouring falls on deaf ears, and unresponsiveness. And I have learned that only a select few deserve a seat at my table as well. the rest will just be ignored.