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Why are people so into deer visiting their yards?

I was born in California but spent years of my youth in West Virginia. My step father didn't know the furst thing about hunting as he was a Sicilian Dego with mafia connections, and I'm uncertain if the Air Force even bothered to train him to shoot a gun. I just spent years hearing how hard it was to find a deer and shoot them, and people would spend hours in a tree stand year round looking for them.

Meanwhile as a teen I'm walking around seeing them on the woodline or in yards everywhere I am, and can sometimes even pet them if I offer them a hotdog. I walk into the woods, I see deer everywhere, everytime. During hunting season they would all migrate INTO the golf course away from the hunters, and I'd see thousands of tracks in the snow from them.

After I joined the Army and learned how to shoot, I'm absolutely confident I can kill a deer. I just don't care to, deer meat doesn't taste right to me, and murdering for fun has no appeal, and doing the Texas Chain Saw Massacre throat slitting and butchery isn't appealing either. I am absolutely confident however I could find a deer in under a hour if I wanted to shoot at something.

My best friend geowing up had a abusive father, and his mother left him, raising him alone, but it was a small town and sometimes his dad would drive by and pick us up if walking down a road. He had wife beating charges against him so couldn't own a weapon, so his solution was to buy the biggest steel bumper and grill he could find and install it on the front of his truck, and drive 80 miles per hour down curvy country roads in hopes of smacking into a deer. I found this little nugget of information out while riding with him as he was hunting this way. Didn't ask, just did it with minors on board.

Yet people here and elsewhere report not being able to find deer, can't attract deer to their yard, etc. I touched a moose twice in alaska (one of those times a moose touched me), I found every kind of wild animal in the woods that exist anywhere I go, found a desert viper in Iraq (looked like Satan), and I'm stumped as to what you are all doing wrong.

Have you tried leaving out a bin of deer corn? Have you tried bribing them with hotdogs? Vegetarians love hotdogs.

I'm seriously stumped. There are a million billion of these things out there. Why can't you get them in your yards?
Gibbon · 70-79, M
An apple tree alone will bring them by.
4meAndyou · F
@Gibbon That is true. We had one lonely old apple tree in our front acre, and it had stopped bearing fruit, but the old lady from whom we bought the house said that deer always used to come to eat the drops when it was bearing fruit. We put up a fence for the dogs in our back yard, and I was shocked that after we put up the fence, a deer leaped the 4 foot fence to get into the back yard! That was the last deer we ever saw.
@4meAndyou It was a happy ending for the deer, right?
4meAndyou · F
@Motzu I don't hunt. Wouldn't dream of hurting a live animal. He did manage to jump back over the fence and got himself out of the back yard.
I see them all the time, but I live out in a heavily forested area. They come onto my property to graze from time to time. I think they're beautiful and enjoy watching them.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I see roe deer a lot but only saw deer in larger woods. I guess that people who want them in their yards don't grow anything there because they harm young fruit trees.
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
There are some deer here where I live that I see sometimes. I have a few large oak trees in my yard and they come and eat the acorns in the mornings before daylight.
4meAndyou · F
If you leave food out for them, they will come.

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