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What a travesty!

The poster carissimi posted a thread concerning some sort of Christian Nativity Light Show. I made the point that it might have been better - given our divided world - to have had a Light Show advocating an Inter-faith perspective.

This has been taken badly. Carissimi has now referred to me and posted a message beginning:-

I have read your profile. You appear to suffer from......

That is all I can see. I am told that I am "not allowed" to see the full post!

The original thread is now denied me. Carissimi's own Profile is denied me.

Whatever the cause of this, it is some form of censorship. Quite pathetic.

That is all I want to say.
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JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I think she blocked me, I can't remember or care why.
Elessar · 26-30, M
or care
King 👑
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Darksideinthenight2 And I'm fully convinced that's why she has me blocked. I don't drink the Qool-Aid.
Ah, this thread now must be my greatest stimulator for views and debate! Success at last.......😀

@pipedreams is also available "Far from the madding crowd" on the Buddhist section.

DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
you are entitled to your opinion but if you are going to be an outspoken person you have to understand you will deal with the consequences.

Sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles. Let people have the simple things that make them happy. Even if you disagree or have a critique about it. But that's just my opinion.

Trust me I would know I am very opiniated lmao
@DeluxedEdition Well, the consequence in this case was being blocked and being critiqued and the actual criticism denied to me!

But yes, choose our battles carefully.

Elessar · 26-30, M
@DeluxedEdition At least from the description given here the OP just proposed a different way of organizing something in good faith and purely with the intention of being more inclusive; they haven't told them they shouldn't/couldn't do it in their way.

The other user (that blocked me too, over some similar bullsh*t years ago if i recall correctly) could've simply answered "no thank you", rather than acting like a taliban. Making a suggestion in good faith isn't being outspoken, let alone having to deal with consequences, ffs.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@Elessar i totally agree with you. but not everybody will take it that way unfortunately
ArtieKat · M
I read your profile. You appear to suffer from tunnel vision. It seems black and white to you. Oh, if only life were that simple, but it’s not. You don’t use critical thinking, yet you criticize others a lot. If you work at Oxfam that explains a lot of your narrow perceptions. @pipedreams
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@ArtieKat Wow, okay! So because OP wanted to have an interfaith light show, they have tunnel vision, not her. 😆

It's also worth noting that according to what I saw of her profile, she is in favor of free speech and hates liars.
@ArtieKat Thanks. As I said to our Lordship (😀) I have accessed this by my own devious means.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@ArtieKat It astounds me that they claim anyone who doesn't believe in completely unfounded beliefs lack critical thought. Complete inversion.
I would just like to say that @pipedreams is the most open minded, beautiful and wonderful poster in the whole wide world and deserves the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Yes sir!

@SW-User Thank you so much.

ArtieKat · M
I'm not blocked but her replies are all hidden so I can't trace the post that way
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@ArtieKat I always wonder what people are trying to hide when they do that. I mean, I used to do it on Yahoo! Answers, but that was because the reporting process was so automated that all you had to do was report something five times with five different accounts, and it was gone.
ArtieKat · M
@LordShadowfire I know exactly what you mean. Hiding friends I can "sort of" understand but that's as far as it goes. And these insults immediately before blocking is just nonsense
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@ArtieKat I had someone do that to me either yesterday or the day before. I won't name names, because this person is a favorite of certain persons in authority. But like, whom do these people think is going to read their words if they block the person they are addressing?
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@allygator18 What in the hell are you babbling about now? I wasn't the one who said it. But this guy said it in response to someone who shared a heavily Christian light show and said that everybody needs it, and when he dared to disagree, she got mad and started talking a bunch of racist shit about woke this and woke that.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@allygator18 Okay, I honestly can't tell, because I'm like half asleep. Are you just fucking with me?
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
Too many snowflakes here.
She is a religious fanatic. Blocks a lot. SW is now blocking when you report harassment. Maybe they think we cannot handle this ourselves. They are not the brightest bulbs in the box. Forget her.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Funny how these hardcore Christians have such a strong faith in God that they feel a desperate need to block anybody with a different opinion.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@pipedreams I don't know. I just did a search for that user, and big surprise. I'm blocked! 😆
@LordShadowfire Ha ha, I've bucked what system there is by reactivating an old account, and have accessed the post and the carissimi profile.

Apparently she is:-

"on the side of my own independent thoughts. Free speech, fairness and justice"

Which seems kind of funny. And apparently I suffer from having a one track mind! Also that working as a volunteer for Oxfam explains this!

Really, I just have to laugh.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@pipedreams I know, right? I've got one account left that she didn't block, and apparently she blocked me so long ago that account didn't exist at the time. I'm having a blast reading through the stuff she posts.
I blocked her a long time ago.
ProphetOfFarblesnozz · 56-60, M
Fear not, brave soul! I have shared with that person the true word of our Lord!

That light show is blasphemy! It is created by the evil Mayor Gangleslotte, to turn people away from the one true God, Farblesnozz!

For so it is written in the Holy and Perfect Gliberoo, in the book of Ymehpsalb:


1. Now Gangleslotte was jealous of Farblesnozz, for His creations adored Him. And so he disguised himself in white robe and beard, and deceived the people, saying, 2. "Behold! I am Yahweh, your creator! Abandon this worship of Farblesnozz and follow me instead! I alone can save you from destruction!"

3. And Farblesnozz was enraged, for His children began to abandon Him and worship Gangleslotte in his guise as Yahweh. 4. So Farblesnozz created the foul realm of Snazzlekhil, which is called Schmickleton. And He made the Trolls to oversee the great dirt mines, the most useless place in all of creation.

5. And Farblesnozz called upon the man Streborbob, and told him, "Go unto the masses, and tell them of Yahweh's deception, for he is Gangleslotte, the author of evil! 6. And tell them that all who follow Yahweh will shovel dirt for all eternity!"

7. And Streborbob did as Farblesnozz commanded, and told the worshippers of Yahweh what he had said, but they scoffed and mocked at him! "Farblesnozz is a lie, and you are a liar," they shouted. 8. And so Farblesnozz turned His face from the Yahweh worshippers, and never again tried to save them.


1. And when Farblesnozz turned His face from the followers of Yahweh, who was really Gangleslotte, they felt the cold and fear of His absence. They fought many wars over many centuries, in their fear and ignorance.

2. And Gangleslotte saw their hatred, and called it love. He encouraged his followers to kill any who would not follow him as they did.

3. But there were some who saw the truth of Farblesnozz, in spite of Gangleslotte's clever lies. And Gangleslotte saw that all his cleverness and deception would come undone if his enemies were not silenced.

4. And so it was that Farblesnozz, disguised once again as Yahweh, came to Earth, and impregnated a woman, Mary.

5. And after he defiled her, he appeared before her in the guise of an angel, and lied, saying, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High."

6. And with this deception, Gangleslotte created the false and blasphemous religion known as Christianity.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
I'm not Christian but I am polite and accepting about their holidays, etc., because I just don't want to be a d*ck. I wouldn't block anyone over such a comment but others do exercise that right.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
The Christian Nativity is not an inter faith thing so it couldn't be done.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@pipedreams I know that your point wasn't out of censorship, and I see your point too. It certainly should not have evoked such anger lol.
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@JimboSaturn Ah ha, that is the promise of Universalism! That eventually all will be reconciled.


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