GeniUs · 56-60, M
Just let them go. I remember having a difference of opinion with someone early doors on this site we discussed it (amicably) then they just blocked me, I was miffed because I enjoy a good exchange of ideas. Anyway now I just don't care, if I can discuss stuff with people great, if they get upset because I have a difference of opinion then that is more of a reflection on them but there are a lot of people on this site who only want to hear agreement with their opinions and won't hear a word to the contrary.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
i can see how knowing might make some difference but the bottom line is, some people will like talking to you and other won't. talk with those who do. its as simple as that.
smiler2012 · 61-69
can understand that if you have upset them in some way why do they not tell you . another way is to say well ok fair enough it is there loss and not let it bother you [brandon101]
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Like,talk to the hand....?
cause you are a creep
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Because you are a creep
Brandon101 · 26-30, M
@MrBrownstone leave me alone
Brandon101 · 26-30, M
@MrBrownstone you're just a bad person. Who I am and what I do isn't for you to judge