Realize that you aren’t doing that person any favor that way. It’s actually a disservice to her that will ruin your friendship.
CallistaSloane · 31-35, F
@SW-User Yup. I think so, too. Smothering her with attention is not really a good idea. But the thing is, she's my best friend. I care about her a lot even in the mildest of her problems. It just hurts that I don't get the same energy from her.
@CallistaSloane Understandable, but her way of showing love and giving is probably very different and might be going unnoticed.
CallistaSloane · 31-35, F
@SW-User she does things for me, no doubt. But many times, I feel so alone even when I'm with her.I thought our personalities are just different. I had thought that for years. But she knew how hurt I was feeling everytime she puts on a cold shoulder. She'll change at first. Then go back to her ways. It's draining.
checkoutanytime · M
You can't, either they love you or they're using you as a comfort zone until the next thing.
CallistaSloane · 31-35, F
@checkoutanytime she says that I'm her best friend. We do fun things together, too. She's not always absent but I feel like I'm not getting the care I deserve. At first, I dont mind giving more. But I'm starting to get exhausted and drained.
checkoutanytime · M
@CallistaSloane anything worthwhile is not a one way street. In my experience.
CallistaSloane · 31-35, F
@checkoutanytime I'm beginning to realize this now. It's been dragging for so long and my hope for this friendship is wearing thin.
NoGamesTolerated · F
Selfish people are everywhere. So are one sided friendships. 😔
CallistaSloane · 31-35, F
@NoGamesTolerated agree... why can't people just find someone with the same heart as them.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
AND what she'll do - if you stop being nice to her - she'll instantly try and make you feel bad
CallistaSloane · 31-35, F
@BigGuy2 true.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
I know, that's how sad some people are