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ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
There are some things that simply can't be altered or changed until a certain time. Your attitude about it means a great deal in those times.
VictoryBeard · 31-35, M
I feel that way whenever someone says a movie from about 40 years ago couldn't be made today. I feel like why? Just because some elements about the film are controversial now, it doesn't mean you can't adapt and change it without compromising the overall story.
Carissimi · F
If you change it, it means you are not making it the same way. The fact you have to change it means it’s not the same. Now, people with a backbone WILL make it the same, and have the courage to stand behind their work, and not be swayed by the PC of modern day. @VictoryBeard
Carissimi · F
What annoys me is when someone says “if I can do it, anyone can do it.” It’s true that some can find ways to do things that others will never be able to do for various reasons and variables.
Reject · 26-30, M
I feel the same way. I live by the motto “Happiness is a choice.” The response I always get is that it’s impossible. It can’t be done. You can’t choose happiness.
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Lilnonames · F
Im that way. It can be done. Ill do it