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Did my comment made me sound like a pervert?

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I was once a fitness coach for Beachbody, you know the people who make home workouts like the P90X and Insanity.

anyways I still help people out online every now and then and the other day a young woman doing Insanity asked me for some tips because she was not losing weight but was gaining a lot of muscle mass. she then proceeded to tell me that she has gain the most muscle mass in her hips and thigh area specifically, till the point that she had a hard time rolling up her pants.

of course since women’s hips and thighs are the most sexiest part of a woman’s body after boobs and ass I complemented her by saying...

wow your husband/boyfriend must be a really a happy man right now!

so I then proceeded and told her the real deal. I explained to her that Insanity itself its not really aim for fatloss. its was actually design for people who are already lean and ripped but wanted to take their physique ever more up a notch.

till then I now kinda feel a little perverted for telling her such a statement. even though she did take it as a compliment. but was my comment really perverted? should I tone it down next time?

riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
That’s not perverted at all .
See if u said that to a man about muscles you wouldn’t think nothing of it but men and most men are very sub conscious around what women think of them .
All u did was compliment her about her tone . I say she be real please with that .
You’d do better around me with that stuff cause I couldn’t do that .
I say she’s well chuffed
Ananke · 26-30, F
Comment was maybe flirtatious but I wouldn't say perverted. It honestly sounds pretty innocent to me, if a guy told me that I wouldn't find it perverted. Maybe at worst I'd see it as a guy probing to see if I had a partner, but again not really perverted.
PeachyK · 100+, F
It certainly wasn't very professional. But i dont think you are terrible or anything.
KakarotFrontier · 36-40, M
@PeachyK ok just making sure, cause I was born in the caribbean but raised in America. therefore I'm stuck between two different cultures when it comes to speaking to the opposite sex
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@KakarotFrontier 😂😂😂😂.
I’m stuck between loads of different personalities 😂😂😂
Penny · 46-50, F
not perverted but maybe inappropriate. she could be a lesbian or not have a man
Lostlostlost · 51-55, M
Is that her picture
KakarotFrontier · 36-40, M
@Lostlostlost no, thats a google search

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