Jarffff has metamorphosed into MrGumHeadSame great thoughts and ruminations, like barf, but a name less repulsive, you may forget that all i say is like a vomiting in the wind, but let there be order and no confusion in these hallowed SW camps. Starting tomorrow i want to limit myself... See More »
Learning as I goSo I tend to keep feelings and whatnot inside and I don’t let it show but I know not the most ideal thing to do but it’s me and all know how to do …. So most days my stress level is way out there and my anxiety is off the charts and I don’t know... See More »
Made dad sad He kept going on and on about my sister in law's brother's death, and how he was an unbeliever, look i goes like those who don't hate their folks and brothers and sisters cannot follow Him, i spat out in a shaky tone, and then said i'm putting my... See More »
The miss(cousin) - under(the bridge) - standing..This was the time when we didn't had mobile phones. I was an university student, one evening, I was told to pickup my cousin sister from the railway station of our city, as she was coming by a long route train to our city for an examination after... See More » (1)
I Need Your OpinionY'all, I messed up. I have a friend; we've been friends for 3 years and a half (?) and I recently confessed to him about a mistake I'd made 5 years ago. I was still a kid at the time when I made that mistake. I was so dumb and didn't care about the... See More »
I made it finally.After a considerable long period of stress and anxiety I was finally able to make up for my core knowledge losses of the period of my weakness. I can tell that it wasn't easy at all. It took me efforts to go through text books , records and schemes... See More »