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Am I narcissistic or just confident?

I like the sound of my own voice, I could look in the mirror all day, if there were two of me I'd marry myself

But at the same time, I have empathy, I never say hurtful words to others , I feel bad for other people

But when people get close to me , I can do the opposite and be very mean only to the people close to me
I'm very critical, at the same time judgemental

Being self aware is important, I can be commitment phobic , a perfectionist, sometimes delusional to the point i think the world revolves around me
If I can't have it my way it's over
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WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
Nobody here is capable of diagnosing someone with Narcissitic Personality Disorder.

That being said, plenty of people have some of the traits of the disorder, without having the disorder. The word/title narcissistic gets thrown around a lot. Someone can be selfish and self centered or even conceited without having a personality disorder.

If you’re truly worried or wondering seek a professional to make the assessment.
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DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Narcissists would never stop and ask themselves that question. So I think you're just confident.
It’s hard to say without knowing you. You can have narcissistic traits without being full blown, but I have been close to people with the same traits and it was a nightmare.

Always needing things to go your way is draining for others. You sound like a few people I’ve dated that wrecked me for trying to make them happy. Nothing is ever enough for you to reciprocate in a heart felt way. The score is always being kept to keep people stressed out about you. All about you even at the expense of other’s happiness.

No offense, but you’re the type I have to stay away from. Not like you’re a horrible person, but you’re toxic to pure lovers/givers.
Ey when you got it you got it. So long as others feel your warmth, it's cool, because if they don't, and you are cold towards them, remember beauty fades and hard times may come, and everyone will be watching and waiting to remind you of your past deeds when you no longer have the upper hand on them.
in10RjFox · M
You have developed a self obsession which can harm you in the long run, as you are leading a life much against the wishes of nature that made us for another. Mirror was the worst invention of mankind but for which we were only made to look at others and appreciate.

So having had this journey for over 30 years, you can start to see how others appreciate your beauty and get obsessed over you.
JSul3 · 70-79
Be careful. There was a guy named Dorian Gray. Perhaps you have heard of him.
There is a novel and film, The Picture of Dorian Gray.
You can take a self assessment for narcissism online. I can't remember the exact website, but if you google personality disorder tests, you will probably find it.
IamBack · 31-35, M
Would you want to be with someone who’s very critical and judgmental even if they were as good looking as you?
YoMomma ·
Vain.. so vain
RadiantRose · 31-35, F
@YoMomma what's the difference between vain and narcissism???
Mikla · 61-69, F
I am speechless.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
A friend of mine described a narcissist to me “
She said they numb themselves with confidence but hides there fears
laotzu92 · M
Clearly narcissistic. What I don't know is whether you are so outstanding that you have the right to be.
Quite possible given all your described qualities.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Seems like you definitely register on that spectrum. The self-awareness is the unusual thing here. The commitment phobia part could be indicative of BPD, but that's no smoking gun. I'd definitely see a professional to get some clarity.
There’s nothing wrong with self-awareness or liking oneself.
RadiantRose · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard 🥰🥰🥰 I hope so, I've always loved myself..... also critical too.
But i hope to be kind to people close to me

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