Yes they're really not giving their time and energy to you. It definitely is a waste of time. I think what you're saying is that you have not found closure with some things but sometimes I think we just have to accept that we will not get any closure from some people so we can make our own closure by maybe writing a nice note to let them know how you feel, to that person, or just accept that that's the way life is. Sometimes we don't get closure. We make our own closure I believe. For example, my way of finding closure for someone who really hurt me bad, was to write my feelings all out in a letter to them and then I gave it to God. That was my way of finding closure because I took the letter outside, instead of putting a burden on the person who hurt me, and I got my feelings out and that felt good and then I took the letter and burned it in the trash can outside and let it go up to the heavens and let God have it. That's what it felt like to me, a spiritual release of burden, although it may not to someone else. We can make our own closure. We must understand that our feelings do count but that they always won't be confirmed or even validated. That's when we have to love ourselves enough to give ourselves closure in a way that feels good to us and then let it go. I hope you will find closure because it's really not doing you any good and the person doesn't even know you're upset so really we're just hurting ourselves when we hold on to these things. These things happen sometimes because they help us to grow spiritually and mentally. That's a good thing. When we know better we do better. That's something to be proud of that at least we learned a lesson. Life is a period of adjustments. We must not leave unresolved issues behind but face them the way we see fit and then let them go. Only then can we move forward. I hope you'll find a way to find closure in your own way that will be satisfactory to you. It's okay if you want to write that person a nice letter but not make them feel guilty. Just to get your own feelings out and how things made you feel, is very therapeutic. That's because we are humans and we need to be heard and you can be heard in that way and then move on. I wouldn't ask the person to write you back or discuss these things again. I would simply let them know that you were only writing to let them know how certain events made you feel. Then I would tell them you are closing this subject and you do not want to bring it up again. But by writing them you should know that that may open up a can of worms you don't want, so I truly think it's best to write out all your feelings on paper and get them out and then burn them up and give them to God. He hears and he listens and he cares and nothing bad can come from turning to God this way.
I pray God will heal your spirit as you release your concerns perhaps in a letter and then burn it up to go spiritually to God.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@bushi2020🤔 i can understand what you mean i was bullied right through schopl and you cannot forgive those perpetrators water run deep
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@smiler2012 everyone should be ashamed of themselves, but you are a Liverpool supporter
Samek · 36-40, M
I know this feeling all too well. Thankfully I have kept a couple close friends through the years ...
I do it too. In fact, I’m doing it right now as we speak.
Enonnianoj · F
Wow. Me too. Unresolved issues.
AnotherUniverse · 41-45, M
Same, man. Same.