Rutterman · 46-50, M
Yes, I was on a jury in a civil case that lasted 6 weeks. Some of it was interesting, some of it was rather boring. A criminal case probably would have been more interesting. We could dress pretty much any way we wanted. There wasn't a dress code or anything like that. Hope you enjoy your time as a juror.
Ynotisay · M
All the information you'll need will be found online through the Court. You can't wear jeans, shorts, hats, etc. "Business casual' is a good call.
ProdigalSummer · F
Dress in a respectful manner. Make sure you're on time and be prepared to spend a fair amount of time waiting around. Take a book or something to do in the down time.
newbie · 31-35, F
please dont show in trailertrash uniform - at least out of respect for the judge and the people working there ...
I got selected too.. I almost hope I get picked because that stuff is right up my alley lol.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Yes...its like going to church
PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
So basically it is going to be boring, ugh!
Goralski · 56-60, M
@PaulMcCartney: unless ya get on an murder trial
PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
@Goralski: I am hoping so hard for it to be a murder trial! But I know for a fact it is not going to be
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bijouxbroussard · F
Always summoned, never chosen. I'm starting to get a complex about it. 😢
Cindy · F
I was jury Foreman actually it was quite interesting it was a crack deal drugs sting and some of the witnesses had disguises on because they were Undercover and they would talk all about the text said they would use and the procedures they use being in the jewelry room those suck because there was one person the stupid person would not