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Is it wrong to do good things, for personal gain?

Is it wrong to do things such as raise money for charities, or give your time for community service for personal gain such as attention or popularity?
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Livingwell · 61-69, M Best Comment
Not totally bad because you put in the effort. But the reward should only be about feeling good about yourself.

The kind of gains can be subjective.
Since, you sought for an advice, personally, I don't associate popularity and attention with service. Service to me is done selflessly.
JaneDoe · 26-30, F
It's really a question of morality, I'm curious to see how people view different actions under the guise of self interest. Whether or not they are deemed appropriate or not.
@JaneDoe: Alright.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
I think it is best to do good in the world for no reason other than it's the right thing to do.

But, if you will only do good if you get recognition, at least you are doing good.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
everyone does everything for personal gain so unless you think good doesn't exist, no it is not wrong.
well it's better than nothing.
JaneDoe · 26-30, F
It's a catch 22 isn't it?
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
I think many celebrities and sport figures happen to do this already. They are donating to some charities or doing community service to look good, but at the same time, they are garnering attention from it.
Thatguysteve · 31-35, M
I think it is.
rickoo164 · 56-60, M
it's a kind of trading stuff for another stuff? It's business in a way, no ??
AlmightyLoad · 26-30
No you still help people out so kind of selfish but not totally bad
olderguy2016 · 70-79, M
.do good or bad things only for personal gains

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