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is ok tu wear bra at night

Kaceekakes · 31-35, F
You can if you want to, depending on what you're most comfortable with. I prefer not to, as I find bras super uncomfortable.
Why even would you I wander?? I'm always so relieved every evening when I can take that darn thing off LOL
It doesn't feel comfortable imo. Personally I think it's better to give it a rest
mumbling · 26-30, F
I think it's okay, but you might want to let your body breathe, or just not be as constricted. You can wear something lighter, sports bra, or bralette, maybe a bandeau.
jake60 · 61-69, M
i think you should let some air around your boobs
jake60 · 61-69, M
@pinkrainbowkisses: yeah well the girl asked a question i gave an answer
That would be like me answering a question about a penis.. I don't have one so what would I know other than from what I've heard.
jake60 · 61-69, M
@pinkrainbowkisses: you talk bollocks all i done was answer a question
I wear a sports bra when I'm at home.. sleep in it too. I just feel more comfortable with one on.
PissFun · 70-79, M
Just in case there's a burglar your tits are safely tucked away
Yes, if that's what you want to do.
Simpleboy · 26-30, M
This message was deleted by its author.
GirlSerendipity · 26-30, F
ive heard that too but i dont understand how that could possibly be true
mumbling · 26-30, F
They DO NOT cause breast cancer.

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