1000 crunches a day.
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
The crunches work. Not sure about 14 days but lots of crunches. Lots of lat pulls. Limit carbs as much as possible. Est good fat foods like avocado. High proteins. After you will need some carbs to burn. But really reduce down sugars to a bare minimum especially anything refined or added sugar
Green leafy foods and controlled calorie intake with tons of cardio
330GTC · 61-69, M
Find a diet that works for you.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
Is your bikini shoot in 14 days?
Babadi2019 · 26-30, F
No but I’m having sex with someone in 14 days and wanna look good @StevetheSleeve
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@Babadi2019 Feeling confident will help your abs too.
Babadi2019 · 26-30, F
Fuck off@Nunlover
CaptainKirk · 41-45, M
Eat tissue paper and multivitamins, you’ll end up ill as fuck but you’ll be slim