GlitterBug · 22-25, F
You can get to know people through posts and comments, you can reply to their comments. You can send messages to some, some prefer to know you from posts first, some don’t respond to messages at all. Gotta read their ‘about me’. They usually say.
Sp2l3emP34c067 · 36-40, M
@GlitterBug I mean more like how to introduce myself. I’ve messaged before but people usually don’t respond. Looking at some people’s ‘about me’ scares me off because they’re pissed over those who block or creep. I’m mostly looking for female friends because most of the men on here are like most men, to which I don’t relate.
GlitterBug · 22-25, F
Introduce yourself in messages, your name and why you chose to message that person specifically is a good start. Idk man. Post good stuff and they’ll find you. @Sp2l3emP34c067
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
gals have it easy... 🤣

2fast4love · M
Was just trying to figure this out myself, new here

Pretty much the same as life. Talk to people. It works or it doesn't. Fuck it