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Volunteering at a newspaper company

Hey guys, I want to volunteer my time at a newspaper company. Do you think its possible with a retail job experience as my background? I don't mind volunteering like 4 hours a week or something like that. I wanna exposed myself to the various departments and a get a feel of that place.
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Platoscave · F Best Comment
you would be an intern and they might be amused by you and be tempted to give you the kind of work that would make you wonder about them, and you would learn heaps about the politics of journalism in general and will make a friend or 2 hopefully...

St0ut · 51-55, M
That’s called an internship. Is this a company like your local paper?
St0ut · 51-55, M
@Magneticflux Singapore is really bad about squashing talent.

Goto uni. While you are there write about politics and issues in Singapore.

Send it in to buzzfeed and other upand coming news outlets

The straight news (if I remeber the paper title correctly ) is good but Singapore news is so constrainded and censored.
Magneticflux · 26-30, F
Yeahh the country here sucks big time and now i'm trying to find an academic job instead and i'm doing all these volunteering work just make my application look more appealing as i'm applying for Cambridge (for mature candidates and selected schools only) And for 1st time in my life i'm desperately looking for a job and studying A levels on my own.
And I have alr checked with bank loans/student loans available in my country. I find it kinda pointless going to university(not from a top tier elite school) and the fact that they are hiring FT from other countries and sending them in.

-not just volunteering work but also i took part in science competition and every week i come to school and provide talks about Poverty in a club.And i'm doing all of that just for free.
Just a little background from me I came from a vocational school and have been working in retail for awhile now.

-And also depending on the industry e.g. in retail if u hire 1 singaporean means u can hire 3 FT. And for office job 1 singaporean - 10 FT. that's the ratio and its more or less somewhere along that line.
Magneticflux · 26-30, F
I doubt i will talk about issues and politics lol. I will get into trouble.
Good idea. You can always try this. As a matter of fact you will get to learn alot :)
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
free labour.... they wont care if youre a crack addict

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