Memetic · 56-60, F
Go to gym and workout till you're exhausted. Either depression will be gone or answer will come to you while working out
StefanoHopkins · 56-60, M
You're at one of the hardest stretches of your life. Stick it out. It will get better, somewhat anyway.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Find something to involve yourself in that is positive and exciting. Have an adventure; join the Peace Corp or volunteer to build houses for people in desperately poor countries. Habitat for Humanity is a good one. Operation Smile is another one. Or maybe volunteer for an archeological dig...?
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
Is it really that you don't like the company of anyone or that you fear/predict they'll dislike your company?
mannansingh · 26-30, M
anyone is everyone including her...and i m not scared to be rejected by her
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
Well, there's no obvious solution coming to my mind if you genuinely just dislike being around people. There's a quote from Winston Churchill that is quite nice though, "If you're going through hell, keep going."
LenaLunawhaaat · 31-35, F
th th th th th th th th therapy