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Itsmrsockmonkey · M
I think red hair is gorgeous
MissyChrissy · 18-21, F
Hi, I messaged you twice a while ago but you never answered. Can you write me please? We share some groups.
SatyrService · M
Yes the red draws too much attntion
But is the best color!
If yuo MUST< use only the level one,, the kind that does not bleach/burn your hair. You can see what it lookes like NOT to be ginger, but when iwashes out yuor hair will be healty
NO MATTER WHAT a hair professional will tell you.. If use the stron kind? Your hair will be fried afterward.
The g8inger gene, is really different, odd effect, an entirely different kind of pigment tha all other people. A bit more acid body chemistry.
Strong resistance to alkaloids ( novacaine etc)
EVERYone want to date ya LOL
But is the best color!
If yuo MUST< use only the level one,, the kind that does not bleach/burn your hair. You can see what it lookes like NOT to be ginger, but when iwashes out yuor hair will be healty
NO MATTER WHAT a hair professional will tell you.. If use the stron kind? Your hair will be fried afterward.
The g8inger gene, is really different, odd effect, an entirely different kind of pigment tha all other people. A bit more acid body chemistry.
Strong resistance to alkaloids ( novacaine etc)
EVERYone want to date ya LOL
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Is your hair healthy enough to color? If so, choose the color that helps to accentuate your skin color.
SatyrService · M
remember dying you hair severely damages it. it has to break do9wn the protine you hair is made of, so the dye can take
instead try out new colors with those level 1 kinds,, it is just a color rinse..
but making y9u hair lighter will require that you strip the protien
so be thoughtful if you go that far it will e a long time till you can get back the natural texture
instead try out new colors with those level 1 kinds,, it is just a color rinse..
but making y9u hair lighter will require that you strip the protien
so be thoughtful if you go that far it will e a long time till you can get back the natural texture
GreenGoddess · F
Brown would probably blend with the red and be really pretty 😄
spikem · M
ginger is my favorite
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awebventure · 46-50, M
Red hair is total bliss.

Stay red!!
Tukudo · 41-45, M
Nature created you in unique beauty,why should you compare yourself with others? Just be comfortable and joyful,thank nature and be happy ☺💃
BiasForAction · M
red heads are in right now. keep it!

Never, redhead's are awesome
Casheyane · 31-35, F
Couldn't hurt. You could change it after a while if it doesn't work. But at least you get the experience.
gdon39 · 46-50, M
My thoughts are no, don't do it. I believe people are most beautiful as they come. Let it roll as you are. ;)
RuthW69 · 56-60, F
No be proud of your lovely red hair.

That would be a shame, but its up to you, fortunately its someyhing thats reversable if you dont like it.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
Redheads rock! Dont dye it x
Lighten it maybe if you want.. But you probly look fine already..
gurlwatcher22 · 61-69, M
Keep it red,Sweetness! You're blessed!!
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funfan · 51-55, M
Almost 3 years later now 😂 I say try a brighter red.
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alsoandy · M
I think your hair looks amazing in your profile pic!
Shadowhunter · 36-40, M
do not dye your hair, I'm sure you look perfect just as you are.
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Perhaps just try a different style?
bluemachine · 31-35, M
no red suits u. if u have to dye, dye it blonde
Bustoff77 · M
Keep the red ! Looks great I’m sure !
heywood83 · M
Don't dye it is my advice. Red hair is rare and beautiful! :)
What!! Gingers are amazing. I wish I had red hair. 🤓
Millard1 · 61-69, M
Leave it natural red is beautiful
Red hair is simply beautiful!
ExperienceDLT · M
Keep it natural
CathyUK · 56-60, F
Embrace your natural color and just look after your hair.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Keep it natural
snofan · M
Keep it natural

You have beautiful red hair. Don’t change it for anyone
TechFan90 · 31-35, M
You can if you want but I love red hair.
Itsmrsockmonkey · M
I absolutely love red hair
Itsmrsockmonkey · M
Leave it red , it's a beautiful color
LadyJ · F
I love red hair..dont change it
olderguy2016 · 70-79, M
keep the natural red color
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
I like natural red hair
Hotelroom38 · 51-55, M
Red hair rocks !! :)
Alexsw · 70-79, M
Keep natural red
puntocarlo · M
Msg me i can guide you
InstructHer · 61-69, M
Red hair is gorgeous.
bestguy08 · 31-35, M
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@serenecourt101 Find that other guy with the time machine.
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