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Starting high school, any advice?

I'm heading into 9th grade starting tomorrow. I'm very nervous and insecure about my body. I'm afraid people will laugh at me behind my back because I'm not skinny. Any advice on starting high school?
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
It's just four years...not an eternity, remember that first and foremost. Your guys are teens, and consequently mostly ALL teens have image issues, heaven knows I did as a teen!

Everybody is entitled to an opinion. It doesn't mean you have to take them seriously. If someone insults you, just say "Ok, so that's your opinion. Next!" If you don't respond back to the teasers and bullies, they'll pick on someone they can get a reaction out of, easier prey so to speak. Focus on your schoolwork, and please, don't get "Senior-itis" til your Senior year, k? Be yourself unapologetically. If they like you, good, if not, eh, that's their loss, not yours. Don't skimp on sleep, your brain and body need it. Also... Eat breakfast before school. You can concentrate much better when your stomach isn't imitating whale-calls.

Don't post your whole life on social media. If someone from school that you don't like, or are iffy about tries to add you, don't add them. They can't bully you online if they're not "friends". And if some punk from school does do that... Tell me! I'll stick up for you, and trust me, I have no problem with going off on online bullies...that ***** rediculous!!

And one more matter how much your teachers may make you mad, NEVER tell a teacher off. I did at the end of my Junior year. Baaaaadddd mistake, I got stuck with the ******* ******* my Senior year, and he made my life miserable. That includes not posting nasty things about your teachers online, they can, and most likely WILL find out. Mums the word when it comes to being upset with teachers.

So, good luck my dear, I hope you do well!! : - )
Lorelei456 · 22-25, F
Thank you for that advice! This has helped me soooo much
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
You're very welcome. And, here's a tip on studying... "read, recite, review."

1-Read the material.

2-recite what you just read in your own words.

3-Review the material you've just read and recited.
ladycae · 100+, F
you know, i felt much like you going into hs. i wish i knew then what i know now. no one can hurt you unless ou let them. you are so much better than anyone who may joke about you. hold your head high and ignore them. Learn your self worth for you do have much to be proud of and accept yourself. as a teen everything seems like a matter of life and death, but give it a few years and it will get so much better.
sadvicious · 22-25, F
Don't even sweat it, honestly. Everything changes. You're friends especially. Every kid from your elementary school will try and be your friend so they know someone in their classes, and overall popularity kind of disappears. Everyone is just friends. And no one will make fun of you if you aren't skinny honestly. There is one girl in my grade who is kind of bigger and shes really friendly with everyone. She's so cool.
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
Try to ignore them more than likely most will be to busy to bother you. I got messed with a lot throughout school but not much in high school everyone had to much going on.
Whatever you do, FIND FRIENDS. I can't tell you what it's like to go through four years of high school with only one friend. It HURTS.
Finerthings · 56-60, M
be yourself, friends will find you
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