Still can contact him?
Since you live in different countries, you are going to have to find someone intelligent you trust who can sweep him off his feet, get his private information and collect things against him.
Leave him no choice but to delete the pictures.
I would do it if it happened to any of my siblings. Not that we haven't discussed and agreed inappropriate pictures should never be sent online.
I am not sure about your age. Possession of minors' sexual pictures has legal consequences no matter the country.
Since you live in different countries, you are going to have to find someone intelligent you trust who can sweep him off his feet, get his private information and collect things against him.
Leave him no choice but to delete the pictures.
I would do it if it happened to any of my siblings. Not that we haven't discussed and agreed inappropriate pictures should never be sent online.
I am not sure about your age. Possession of minors' sexual pictures has legal consequences no matter the country.

This is why you do not send nudes to people online...honestly, I do not get why people do this and never think of the conquences. That being said report him,as others have said it is illegal to publish them withour your permission to do so.
However ,if you do so on a website the site maybe able to exbit them on the site. FB does not allow nudity,but any pics you post publically there can be shown by FB.
I am not sure about sites that allow nudity,but again never wise to post anything on a public site you would not want the whole world to see.
However ,if you do so on a website the site maybe able to exbit them on the site. FB does not allow nudity,but any pics you post publically there can be shown by FB.
I am not sure about sites that allow nudity,but again never wise to post anything on a public site you would not want the whole world to see.

Could people please show her a bit of support instead of playing the 'blame game'? She's clearly worried and upset by this
Wishingwellguy · 46-50, M
Maybe a lesson learned don’t share pic online

Seems like you met an @ just like the one I just communicated with.

Let him know you don't want it to be shown in public and if he did you'll sue him
screenprint the convo as proof you did not give permissiom
screenprint the convo as proof you did not give permissiom
Jeyja220 · F
I took screenshots and kept them just in case
What do you mean he was role playing? Is he still threatening you with posting the pics online?
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Did you show your face in the pics?@Jeyja220
Jeyja220 · F
Not in the nudes.
Don’t worry about it then.@Jeyja220

Are they 'private' pictures?

@Jeyja220 it's illegal to post a picture without permission. And especially pictures of a sexual nature. It's called 'revenge porn' and is considered a serious crime
Jeyja220 · F
I know but problem is we live in different countries
Glassysky · 26-30, M
@SW-User Unfortunately, it has to be a crime, otherwise, everyone would do it.
braveheart21 · 61-69, M
Remove the pics n all he has is the sw logo
Glassysky · 26-30, M
Your own fault. Tbh.
KittenfromHell · 61-69, F
stop contact with him. He's just some psycho screwing with you because he can. Did he ask if you wanted to role play as a blackmail victim? If not, then he's just an abusive fuck