Cstmc · 36-40, M
Get methed up
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Cstmc · 36-40, M
Damn that was easy. I mostly sell to little kids, so it's hard to get them to try it. Lol
SoftServe · 31-35, M
Might as well pull an all nighter

Feeling sleepy, sleep. Otherwise keep going as you won't sleep now anyways
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Whereuat · 56-60, M
Not much to see here, I'd sleep

Stay up longer!
metalicblack · 46-50, M
At that point is when I usually start to think about that myself and by the time I make up my it 5am and I just say the hell with it
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
You are at the point of no return. If you sleep you are going to wake up with a headache. If you linger then you will have a headache due to lack of sleep. I say take 2 Aspirin and play along.
Planktin01 · 22-25, M
Get to sleep. The world isn't going anywhere. It'll all be there for you in the morning.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
sleep, but we both know you won't if you ask this question. Probably somewhere around 3:40-50 you'll think "alright I better sleep"
Praise · 41-45, F
@MartinTheFirst accurate
Some1Else · M
Masturbate until you pass out tired
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Some1Else · M