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DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Could he change his mind? Sure. Will he change his mind? Well, why would he?

Seriously. What are you doing to try to get him to view you in the way you want him to?

There's no guarantee that anything you ever do will be enough, and the simplest solution is to say, well, he's just not into you, so the best thing to do is to rip off the Band-Aid, say it's been swell and find someone else.
Throughobstacles · 26-30, F
@DunningKruger thanks. I get unsure because for me, when I start to realize I don't like a guy, I tell him and can't have sex with him.

I got into this trap once before. But that was the first time I was with a guy who didn't adore me. And I thought it was fine that we weren't in love because we enjoyed eachothers company. But he ended up cutting me out for someone who wouldn't allow us to remain friends.

This is why it's important for me to know he wants me exclusively. I don't want to get cut out again.

GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
Believe him when he tells you what he wants.
You don't need a guy's opinion. You need someone's opinion who can be objective. If he was into you by now, after a month, you'd know it. He was giving you the standard line when a person isn't into someone else enough. End it before your feelings deepen. Who knows, maybe if he thinks you're unavailable to him, he might suddenly realize he's more interested in you than he thought. But, generally speaking, that doesn't usually happen.
Throughobstacles · 26-30, F
@SW-User thank you. Was doing the "unavailable" thing up until the previous time I met him. I messed up when alcohol was affecting me.
"I need a tiny bit more attention than what I've been getting"
Such a giveaway. Ugh.

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