The most therapeutic part of living in the van was driving away from bs
I didn't have debt, didn't owe anybody anything except a few bills. I didn't have to worry about seeing the faces of people that hurt me. I didn't care what they were doing, it didn't affect me. I didn't have to settle for the same boring shite every day life. And even when I came back to it, it's all just been a painful learning process. More adaptation to do after a flood of perspective.
It's ugly isn't it? 😂 Hard to look at? I know people avoid me these days online and offline and I feel it because I care. But nobody can take from me anymore. The people that drifted away, so long and be well on your path.
I've felt like being back dumbed me down, but my mind has been busy devising a dream bigger than the bullshit life. I'm not losing my mind, I'm finding myself. It's so ugly. But it's so beautiful.
There's a few people here going through it too. I see ya. I hate giving advice, but I just want to say...
Please take it easy on yourself. You are doing hard work becoming yourself instead of following the crowd. It's beautifully hideous and people will look away as you walk through life, afraid of your unpolished radiance. Stand tall. Back straight, shoulders relaxed, jaw unclenched, core strong, ass out and keep trucking 🖤
It's ugly isn't it? 😂 Hard to look at? I know people avoid me these days online and offline and I feel it because I care. But nobody can take from me anymore. The people that drifted away, so long and be well on your path.
I've felt like being back dumbed me down, but my mind has been busy devising a dream bigger than the bullshit life. I'm not losing my mind, I'm finding myself. It's so ugly. But it's so beautiful.
There's a few people here going through it too. I see ya. I hate giving advice, but I just want to say...
Please take it easy on yourself. You are doing hard work becoming yourself instead of following the crowd. It's beautifully hideous and people will look away as you walk through life, afraid of your unpolished radiance. Stand tall. Back straight, shoulders relaxed, jaw unclenched, core strong, ass out and keep trucking 🖤