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We live in a world of negatives which only takes.

We cry from the moment we’re born and endure the never ending march of time which demands everything from us. We must eat and sleep because the world starves and exhausts us. We must bleed and ache because the world injures and sickens us. Sometimes our tears are afflictions of our very soul. There’s no end to the amount of maladies we all face in our lifetimes. We do this until we grow old and our body stops working entirely. The end seeming to be our only mercy. My grandmother, a bitter old woman who grew up in the depression, has a piece of wisdom she would often repeat to me as a child. Her quote that she spat at me one last time on her deathbed, “You suffer, and then you die!” …It is undeniable that existence is suffering.

Still, I believe this is for a reason. It is what we’re meant to do. This is because it’s only through pain that we can find meaning. Good and bad. Bad meaning is found in exactly the way things are. In that world of negatives I just described. That world my grandmother, may god rest her soul, knew all too well. Bad meaning is found in reality. So then, what is good meaning? You might be guessing fiction, and… you’re right, but it doesn’t have to be seen as false. More like your personal truth that stands against reality.

Life is cruel, but the meaning we take from that doesn’t have to be. Everything is temporary, but our commitment can be everlasting. What I’m trying to say is that good meaning is found when you become the positive to an otherwise negative world. Every single negative thing that you know can only become a positive if you are. So the next time you want to talk about why something is a problem, understand that it is only so because you are. Nothing is a problem unless you think it is.

The world is wrong to us which is why we can be the only right, however, this is only possible for those who make the world happen instead of having it happen to them. If you live under the world’s terms, you will share its negativity, but if you live under your own terms, the world will share your positivity. So you should never attach your self worth to external factors. One who doesn’t know their own value will always fail. It takes suffering to learn this lesson which is why life will give you nothing but that until you do.

For all his bluster, for all his influence in a world that belongs to him, it was much to Satans anguish in vehement denial that all his evil would only serve good in the end. For it was God who made him, not he who made God. Just as it must be you to make the world, not the world to make you.
It is amazing how perspective can alter a 'bad' thing to something 'not so bad', if 'bad' at all.
We dwell so much on the difficulties, it can become a habit. Some get so used to only looking at the negative....they see nothing else.

Some dwell on particular negatives to such an extent they become part of their identity.

I've been in that place, where you feel you are at the bottom of a well and there seems no way out: every step forward slips half way back ..... and you feel your efforts are infinitesimal.

But even infinitesimal is something .

And i believe it is things like this, we are here to learn. Adversity is what changes us....strengthens us. Makes our souls grow.

If life was this breezy happy little ride - we'd learn nothing. We are lazy by nature....esp emotionally lazy..

I wonder if the easier life gets, the more potential we have to become ignorant and selfish?🤔

Also - always love your inner mental meanderings.
Some people just regurgitate ideas they read.
With you, its always a thought with an original spark. Even if its a known idea, you tell it with the fervour of personal felt truth ....inner innate comprehension☺️
Reject · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie Irritating! 🤣 That better be in a good way! I am consoled though. Nothing is beautiful and nothing else, so to be seen for that extra isn’t a bad thing.
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Reject · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie Lol! I love that role I have for you. I’ll take care to not misuse it. ♥️ I’ve had many nights when my brain begs to throw in the towel because I’ve exhausted it beyond fathoming. It probably feels like you do. I apologize for that.

Sometimes? 🤨 No, I’m kidding. 😄 No matter my intent, no matter how much I may or may not help, no one knows you better than you. You will always have better answers than my own for your life as we are different people. As such though, we can only hope to speak to each others souls. Our true selves. In that we have understanding of one another. In that we can trust in each other and empathize our solutions as a team.
Hello beautiful stranger … you’re a true writer

What an honour to read your post.

Thank you for sharing , you elaborated on so much … deep and meaningful yet a harsh reality we are all gonna be faced with one day

You’re a true spiritual gangster 🤍
Reject · 26-30, M
@ThreeLittleBirds Thank you for your compliments! ♥️ They mean a lot. I’ve been writing since I was a kid in elementary school and most of it is about trying to figure out the complicated subject of life. So if anyone can appreciate the same things I do, then that lets me know, it reaffirms that… even if we are to find our own way, others can certainly help us along it.
Sigh .. there you go again 🙏🏼@Reject

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