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Am I a human body?

What am I is a fundamental question? All answers are beliefs. Every belief provides a way for the questioner to live. If the belief works, the questioner disappears.

Why isn't your belief working?
It's working for me.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Not just physical body, there are five sheaths of the human body-mind complex than one can experience at the level of empirical reality.

The body-mind complex is still being debated within the scientific community. Nobody can pin down the connection between mind and body. Let's look at what your belief is.

1. Physical Sheath (Annamaya Kosha): It's the food body that you gathered over your life. Many people feel themselves as what is their physical body. But if you think consciously, your body is changing from when you were a kid, then you were a teen, then youth, and then your body becomes old. Your body has changed a lot, but you can identify to yourself as the same person when you were child or at youth. You are the same entity apart from your body. So you are the unchanging consciousness that is experiencing that body, not your body itself.

So, you are saying that I am not the physical body that is in a constant state of change from birth to death while I, the consciousness, is unchanging? I am not sure about that. I remember when I was four. I was wearing a onesie and riding a tricycle. That child is not me now. My consciousness is constantly changing as my body changes along with my accumulating experiences of transactional reality. Am I wrong?

2. Sheath of Mind (Manomaya Kosha): It's the mental body which is the reflection of your mind in the consciousness. Its the personality you identify yourself as,. Some person identifies themselves as their minds, their thoughts, thier ideas. But in reality you are not your mind.

What you are saying here is a little subtle. I remember when I was 8 and looking in the mirror. I gazed at my face, looked intently at my eyes quizzically and peered into the pupils. I shrank back fearfully when I lost the sense of being me. I asked my father how come there was a me. He said he didn't know and no one knew. It was shocking to me that no one had any idea what a person is and how it comes into being. Naturally, I found out in Catechism class. God made me. I believed that until I grew up and became a lapsed Catholic. I have been reflecting on my personal identity. It is no different from the brand identity of a business corporation i.e. Coca Cola, Apple, IBM, etc. It is a handle for a conceptual entity such as the USA. When I realized that, I lost the ability to form personal relationships. I couldn't be my father's son anymore. He might not get it but I did, and I couldn't fake a relationship when he believed that he was real and I don't. Non-personal relationships are ok and I need to act the part dealing with people in transactional reality at the store or going thru immigration at airports.

3. Sheath of Prana (Pranamaya Kosha): It's the energy body. The life forces in your body, some people relate themselves to the life forces they feel in their body.

Oriental medical theory identify this as chi. This is what my acupuncturist told me. I don't believe in his bullshit even though his needles and herbs did the job getting rid of some rashes that had been bothering me. I don't question the clinical results but the medical theory is hilarious. It is the same deal with western science. I accept the empirical evidence that I weigh 135 pounds as shown on my bathroom scale but Newton's theory of gravity is as hokey as chi. I don't believe that the Earth is attracting my body.

4. Sheath of Intellect (Vigyanamaya Kosha): The above three were physical in nature. But the next two are not that physical in nature. It's the knowledge(not ordinary knowledge) body. Things that are grasped with 5 senses is considered as ordinary knowledge. And the knowledge that you cannot grasp through senses is this Vijnanamaya Kosha. It is body of transition, it's between physical and non-physical body.

I can only consider what I can grasp with the 5 senses and apprehend as knowledge with the intellect. I acknowledge that this is the basic level of apprehension. Then there is instinct and intuition that transcends deductive reasoning in enabling action in transactional reality. Are we saying the same thing in different ways?

5. Sheath of Bliss (Anandamaya Kosha): The bliss body is the experience of the bliss. As it is non-physical in nature, it's difficult to define it. Few people experiences that bliss when in deeper levels of meditation. So they identify themselves as this bliss.

This thread is an inquiry into what I am. Am I the human body? Science says I am the human body. This belief doesn't work for me because I am still examining the question. I am not a biological organism much less a human being. I don't believe I am an inhabitant of planet Earth either. I don't believe that the Earth is spinning on its axis and revolving around the sun. These are basic questions about transactional reality. Don't you consider it an escapist distraction to experience bliss in transactional reality where people are suffering the pains of the body in the horrors of war, poverty, disease, and old age?

I am not a biological organism much less a human being. I don't believe I am an inhabitant of planet Earth either. I don't believe that the Earth is spinning on its axis and revolving around the sun.
If you think you should take help of science to advance into spirituality, or to find your answers, you should refer to a science person. I am not the right person to go for that.

If you don't believe earth is spinning on it's axis, and revolving around the sun, you might also believe earth is flat and not spherical. You can believe or not believe whatever you want. But if you really wanted to know answers to your questions. You should be willing to help yourself by trying to find the answers and trying to understand them. If you would have made a sincere effort and is ready to accept the science, a simple google search would have given enough science articles to understand why we don't feel that the earth is spinning on it's axis, and is revolving around the sun. But I didn't found your effort to search & understand yourself for the answers.

When it comes to the experiences, it becomes more complex as you can't even have support of empirical evidences that science provides.

I told you I am not a good teacher. I can be a good or bad student. And I don't consider myself to be qualified as a guru to clear anyone's doubt and guide them towards their way to spirituality. Neither I intend to be one, nor I have time to do it for anyone. That is why I hinted you in the direction that helped me. Now it's your own journey and you yourself have to find answers by doing the research yourself. I can't suggest you a spiritual guru to answer your personal questions and doubts.

This thread is an inquiry into what I am. Am I the human body?
All the links I shared with you only answers this question.
I don't know if you sincerely went through all the videos and tried to understand the concepts. I think, if you had, many of the questions you asked after that, would have been resolved. You should also try to find the answers for yourself, as it is your journey, not mine, and I am not your personal guru. What I felt is your unwilling to go for the right approach towards finding answers for yourself and then making true effort to understand them. Even if you have then and I misunderstood you, I can't give you more time. I have given more than enough time, that I expect for answering a post. I am not here for arguments or deep discussions for you.

Due to all these reasons, I am unsubscribing from this post, will not be getting notifications, nor will be taking it further. I am sorry if I added some more questions for you, or if I am not able to answer few.

Best Wishes. 🙏
sree251 · 41-45, M
All the links I shared with you only answers this question.
I don't know if you sincerely went through all the videos and tried to understand the concepts. I think, if you had, many of the questions you asked after that, would have been resolved. You should also try to find the answers for yourself, as it is your journey, not mine, and I am not your personal guru. What I felt is your unwilling to go for the right approach towards finding answers for yourself and then making true effort to understand them. Even if you have then and I misunderstood you, I can't give you more time. I have given more than enough time, that I expect for answering a post. I am not here for arguments or deep discussions for you.

Due to all these reasons, I am unsubscribing from this post, will not be getting notifications, nor will be taking it further. I am sorry if I added some more questions for you, or if I am not able to answer few.

This has been a great discussion. Philosophical inquiry examines answers of science and spirituality. Answers that can't pass muster are consigned to the trash bin of beliefs.
sree251 · 41-45, M
I am not sure if I am the human body. There is definitely a connection between me and the human body. The connection between the two is mysterious. Even science cannot fathom the relationship between the two.

Science states that the body, a biological organism (biology) is composed of matter (physics). I question this belief because it consists of two mutually exclusive conceptual paradigms: biology and physics.

Concepts are ideas. Is physical reality an idea?
Vengabus · 36-40
We are the void
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Vengabus Zen is your belief?
Vengabus · 36-40
I think it’s the only thing that makes sense. The void is what is when there is nothing. And we are most likely nothing. What is left if you take away thought and all signs of physical life? Nothing. @sree251
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Vengabus I don't mind thought. It helps me to figure things out and get around living practical life. Thought is also good for reflection on this conversation with you.
watching all the middle aged testosterones waking up is so cute <:
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
DarkXtecy · 36-40, M
@deathfairy its even funnier to see all them ladies at their early to late 50s 😆
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sree251 · 41-45, M
Why would the questioner disappear?

The questioner implies doubt. If you have no doubt that you are a human body, you would not ask the question. Get it?

Also it's not a fundamental question at all.

Not to you, it isn't.

Most people just don't care

You are one of them.

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