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My mini lab at home

I was a scientist until I got too sick to work. This is my little portable kitchen lab at home! I use it to make slides of stained bacteria, fungus and blood cells. Hoping to add more supplies and equipment to my collection over time. I even used to have a centrifuge too, but threw it away because it was too poor quality to be useful. Right now I'm working on making a gram stain, I'll post pics of the bacteria under the microscope when it's done!
Matt85 · 36-40, M
cool 😎 cant wait to see it
angoranimi · 22-25, F
@Matt85 lol no. This is just an extremely common bacteria, there are many antibiotics for this, I was just identifying it to see which bacteria my daughter is sick with
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@angoranimi Sounds like it could be useful in getting the right medication, just make sure they know you're a scientist and not just someone who used google lol.
angoranimi · 22-25, F
@Matt85 lol yep they know! She was given the correct med, they're able to make good guesses with this type of thing, this just confirmed it
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rfatoday · 61-69, M
Interesting... what is your research field out of curiosity? You have my prayers for a recovery. Worked from home and had a lab too. Telecom... boring lol.
rfatoday · 61-69, M
@angoranimi Got it. Well, awesome and although I am a retired engineer, I do have medical experience and that was my first love. Hey, a BS is not bad and gets you in the door. :) Good luck with your lab and thanks for the info.
angoranimi · 22-25, F
@rfatoday nice! Engineering is way over my head. Math is too hard for me lol, I'm more talented in biology. And thanks!
rfatoday · 61-69, M
@angoranimi Well, organic chemistry was not my forte and is something you had to make it through so... you have fund your niche. Great field and I respect anyone who can identify those teeny tiny critters.
ScarletWitch · 26-30, F
Hobby or work?
ScarletWitch · 26-30, F
@angoranimi i wish you the best on this journey. And thank you for sharing your science intrests. Love to see the results! 🤗
angoranimi · 22-25, F
@ScarletWitch thank you!
angoranimi · 22-25, F
[image deleted]
the bacteria was staphylococcus! I'm having issues with my microscope I need to repair it sorry about poor picture quality
Bowenw · 61-69, M
You are full of amazing surprises.
angoranimi · 22-25, F
@Bowenw thank you!
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
babyboy42 · 41-45, M
hi wanna chat messge me in my inboxs olease??/

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