ninalanyon )Most religions are inherrently political. But once politicians have the "guidance of God" at their back.... things become absolute really quickly. Because the religions that we talk about that puts "them" vs "us" in this story about "good" vs "evil", they only think in black and white. There is no compromise no chance of living together. At best, you can find some tollerance but without the protections that you have in one of our current western democracies. Everything is there to opress those that aren't of the flock in favor of what ever narrative the interpretator of the religion wants it to be. There are no barries except for the ones that limits people physically.
The issue is not that religion is inherrently political. The reason why people during the enlightenment casted God out... is because there are no proofs for the narrative, there is no sure way of knowing what this "God" wants at any time. And that person or groups that invokes a figure like God, will just lay ash to everything they don't like. All backed up by the crazy idea that they are doing the absolute good thing in the universe because some figment of their imagination told them too erase the absolute evil. Once those ideas take root... there is no stopping the insanity, everything is permited as long as the priest tells you it's okay. There is no reasoning, no compromise just orthodoxy and victims. If that God is some ethereal thing or a human being that declared themselves fuhrer. It's just a can of worms that I think the world is better off not opening time and time again and expecting diffrent results.