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School corporal punishment [I Received Corporal Punishment At School]

Corporal punishment was in frequent use at my all boys grammar school.

Most of the teachers kept canes in their classrooms though some used them much more often than others. In class the cane was given on the hands. If you were sent to the headmaster, as happened to me twice, he would cane you on the bottom and his cane was longer and thicker than the ones used by the other teachers.

The slipper (plimsoll) was also used, though only by the PE and Games masters.

The teacher who used the cane most often was Mr Chapman who took me for Latin in the second and third years. He would set weekly tests which were marked out of ten. Any boy who scored less than 7 would get the cane. A mark of 6 would mean one stroke, 5 two strokes and so on. I don’t think that anyone ever actually got nought, but the maximum would have been 6 strokes. It certainly incentivised us to prepare for the tests!

I was quite good at Latin, though I have forgotten it all now, but still got the cane from him twice after a test, once scoring six and the other time five. The procedure was that in the next lesson after we had done the test the papers would be handed back and we would see our scores. And then you would know if you were for it or not. He had kept a note of everyone who hadn’t got 7 and would call the boys out to the front. Most weeks there would be at least one boy called out and I think the most was six or seven boys. He really whacked the cane down hard too.
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Lacylin · 51-55, F
The cane was used at my school in the early 80s. Corporal punishment was always carried out in the headmasters study. I was caned once in 5th year along with a boy from my class. It was a perfectly acceptable form of punishment back in those days.Looking back Im not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
ArtieKat · M
Looking back Im not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
I understand your reservations but I'm fairly sure that for the majority of pupils just the threat of the cane was a very effective deterrent.
Lacylin · 51-55, F
The trouble is it wouldn't just be a threat. It would end up being misused and abused as was the case in the past.
The sadistic element amoung the teaching trade would inevitably emerge from the woodwork.
ArtieKat · M
@Lacylin As with everything in life, it is possible to put safeguards in place.
Sharon · F
At my, mixed sex, state school teachers used the slipper (plimsoll) in class. Only the headmaster, deputy headmistress and year heads used the cane.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@rrosren] to be honest this was not restricted to grammar schools it was used in the state education system up and down the country when i was at school
Lacylin · 51-55, F
I think the use of corporal punishment was widely abused by teachers. Im convinced now that it was out of control and this led to the abolition of caning as a punisment. Any teacher who complains at its passing has only themselves to blame.
Codrin · M
In the primary school, it was the wooden rule on the palms of hands, administered in the front of the class. In the secondary, the switch. I got it both of the, In the high school it was the cane, administered in private, by the prefects (they who supervise the after class activity, former students now at the University). There were not a limited number of strokes, but usually there were a dozen inflicted on the bottom).
Disciplinarian · 61-69, M
@Codrin Interesting. But Romania I thought abolished CP in the communist era like all Warsaw Pact states. Vietnam, though, until recently was still a very enthusiastic user of the cane in schools.
Caned4doz · 61-69, M
Of the six schools I attended, my last school was the strictest. I was caned numerous times during my five years at the school, either by my housemaster or the deputy head. I accepted it as just a hazard of school life. In fact, I actually enjoyed my time at the school, it had excellent facilities and I really did get a good education.
Lacylin · 51-55, F
[@C, aned4doz] Hi, read with interest your post. I too accepted the punishment when my headmaster caned me. The caning I recieved was administered in private and fully deserved. My education was excellent and on the whole I enjoyed my time at school.
Nanori · F
One of my teachers slapped me once, my cousins found out and made sure she didn't dare to raise a hand on any other kids ever again :]
@Nanori there were no physical assaults in my school system from kindergarten to year 12 and never heard of any either. Parents had a lot of power in those days where I lived and I guess the schools listened to the parents on that stuff.

We had a good curriculum too
pdockal · 56-60, M
Until a teacher gave a student a concussion
Then things changed
miscreant6x6 · 56-60, M
Latin teachers were always the worst in my experience. Hardest language and strictest discipline. And 7 is such a high pass mark to avoid the rod.
miscreant6x6 · 56-60, M
@Sharon Like me, you possibly secretly had a craving for it....
Sharon · F
@miscreant6x6 Possibly. ;)
miscreant6x6 · 56-60, M
@Sharon I think we're kindred spirits Sharon x
There was a Latin teacher at my Grammar school called Mr. Chapman. Wonder if we went to the same school??
Sharon · F
@SW-User Romani ite domum
@Sharon Biggus Dickus won't approve of that! ;-)
Sounds like another corporal punishment fantasy on SW. i get this in PM almost every day ugh
ArtieKat · M
@SW-User I've no idea what sort of age you are but the original post certainly doesn't sound like a fantasy to me. Times have changed.
assault against a child is no different than assault against anyone, in fact it should be more strictly punished
@Elevatorpitches This, tbh. Any time I hear of ANYONE striking a child, I get so unreasonably upset by it.
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@SW-User No kidding

Ita a fucking CRIME and not a minor one
Disciplinarian · 61-69, M
The good old/bad old days! Do please post about your swishings by the Head.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
In 7th grade a teacher was going to paddle me. I told her if she hit me I would hit her back. She seemed shocked by that but she left me alone.

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