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ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
No. You're wrong. Showing you believe in them and trust them would help a lot more than whacking them with a belt or cane
TechFan90 · 31-35, M
@ladyfreyawilliams Do you think you'll ever smack your children with your hand, even over their clothed bum?

thomassa · M
Its sure up to you. I think parents should be strict and fair. Getting the belt is painful..
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
There's an in between to hitting a child with a belt and spoiling it
Dave, yes I realized that. I wasn't saying you did, I was saying what you experienced was abuse... Just like myself.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
They belt you because they think it's a quick solution to fixing you. They're too lazy to take it slow and show you love
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Well they're gonna die a lot younger than you will so let them enjoy their dead livers and black lungs
erik2000 · 22-25, M
I don't think it's wrong but I didn't mean beatings to injuries or breaking bones.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Well I'm extremely healthy so I've been ill literally about twice in my life
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
But who's dumb enough to take drugs or smoke or drink underaged or any of that stuff?!
erik2000 · 22-25, M
They still do it very often but it keeps me away from getting into big trouble.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
The thing is it didn't work cuz they're still doing it 12-13 years later
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
No poor child deserves to be hit with a belt. Anyone with common sense would know that!
1961dave there a difference between discipline and a beaing(abuse).
1961dave · 61-69, M
Please listen to to ladyfreyawilliams erik, she's 100% right!
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@1961dave: Maybe your son behaves better than you or me.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
So hand spankings didn't work so they upgraded to belt? Genius -_-
smiler2012 · 56-60
that is your prerogative how you punish your children but too my crazy way of thinking by what you have posted on previous occasions and said the harsh way you have been punished I would of thought it would of persuaded you too take an alternative road but as I say it is your choice and nobody has the right to interfere
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Yes. Some get sick very often.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Well they're stupid
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
You shouldn't
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
I know I am :)
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
We didn't this winter we don't normally which is good because snow makes life a lot harder. It ruins all the skylights and the sports I play and stuff
erik2000 · 22-25, M
There are children who only behave well if they get hit with the belt. Many kids get the belt, I know many online, but none in my class or freinds.
1961dave · 61-69, M
You don't think it's wrong? I was severely beaten, it made me realize it's a bad idea. My son turned out awesome and I never hit him.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
I probably behave a lot worse than you but I don't get beaten with a belt. I'm quite sure it's illegal to hit children with belts
erik2000 · 22-25, M
I know that my parents don't belt me without reason, even they are really too strict sometimes.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Football (Soccer), tennis, rugby, basketball, gymnastics, swimming and a couple more
erik2000 · 22-25, M
@smiler: I will be less strict than my parents but still will use spankings. But only if they deserve it.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
I love snow! It is fun to play in the snow. But then I get many looks and comments from people haha.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
I guess you behave much better than I do. I always get into trouble, not very serious things but still.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
I get cold quite easily even though I play a billion sports in the cold
erik2000 · 22-25, M
How cold is it where you live in winter? We have snow and freezing temperature.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Yes I agree. And none of them gets the belt. Only me and I don't do these things.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
I think they tried other ways when I was younger but only the belt worked.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Like I never tied a cigarette or never did drugs or never drink alcohol, never stole.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Yeah well if I want to play with snow I can go to Switzerland
meJess · F
it's an army thing right? Corporal Punishment works for Major Sore
1961dave · 61-69, M
When I said I never hit my son. I meant no spankings or anything.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Well they're other methods were probably just as cruel
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Yes. When I was 4 they upgraded to the belt and that worked.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Me too, I never get sick even if I wear shorts all year even in winter.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
I won't spoil my kids like your parents do with you Freya :)
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
I live in England and the weather and temperature sucks here
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Yes but if they will be like me, then I will need the belt.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
Why do you wear shorts in winter? Are you that poor?
erik2000 · 22-25, M
They say boys have to wear shorts. But I don't mind.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
No, but my parents always put me into shorts.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
I don't remember, only the hand spankings until 4.
erik2000 · 22-25, M
Half of my class smokes, and many drink.
ladyfreyawilliams · 22-25, F
I don't even get told off and I don't do that

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