doncha At 20 years old, at the end of my first year of college as undergraduate, I was not serious at all and not mature enough for my age, As I were granted more freedom than in my teen years I would still felt the breath of my parents on my neck. I reckon that I had to be kept in check because my sexuality was going in all directions, I was also a practical prankster Although,less frequent than the previous years, I was spanked two or three times a month on my bare bum by either my mom or dad.They had no bones about spanking me and my siblings as young adults as longas we remained at home. We were also confined to our room and not allowed to go out some evenings and sometimes for the weekend.
On a summer day, at a baseball game, at he sevent inning I bursted on the ball park with two of my college buddies out of the blue, buck naked streaking around the bases in front of a frenzy crowd of about 3000 spectators, We made the headlines of the local newspaper, and became heroes of the day, As my name appeared in the news, my parents were infuriated and despite the reasons that I brought to them for this streaking, they didn't cool off,So,you don't need to be a genious to guess that will happen, I expected a heck of a trashing.The day after returnig from the university, my dad ordered me to go up in my room and he would join me in a moment, I knew well what these words meant. Althought I thought that I have outgrown the age of corporal punishments, I felt sometimes that I still needed this kind of discipline and it could be appropriate at 20 years old according to the seriousness of the offence.
Dad came with a wooden backed hairbrush in hand,.He sit on the edge of my bed pushed me over his knees, yanked my denim jeans shors and undies down to my ankles and began to roast my pasty and bubble bum., It was a very big brush and hurt like you never believe., and although I tried hard not to holler and cry. I could not do wit, After a few number of hard whacks . I was hollering at the top of my lungs., I was crying and kicking my feet in the air like a ten years old at 20 years of age..This was incredibly humiliating to say the least after being the hero of the day.
One month later, I got caught by mom wanking in my bedroom and with pornogrphic material well hidden under the matress. So she took me downstairs where the other family members were watching television, told them what i had done, put me over her knee in front of them all, pulled my pyjamas and undies down and blistered my bare backside with the hair brush, She said to my siblings that is exactly what they would get if she ever caught them wanking or looking at pornograohy., What a tanning she metedme out , possibly the worst one ever and I dont think that I ever cried louder, yelled higher or kicked my bare feet harder,