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Why are there so many threats to schools?

WTF is wrong with these kids and parents ?
Do parents not gaf about their kids anymore ?
Angry, hurt kids have always existed and they often turn into highly toxic adults if they make it that far. Their internal rage needs an outlet and that is most often in the form of violence, either to the self or to others. School shootings became a popular outlet after Columbine, largely because of the huge media attention that it got. It's the same as how ISIS inspired terrorist acts were happening frequently in the west for a good while. Same angry, hurt people latching on to a trending outlet under the guise of believing in an ideology. We can ban weapons, it would have an effect of some kind, but the real trick is to enable effective early intervention for these damaged kids rather than shunning them, leaving them in broken homes or putting them into a broken care system where abuse is perpetuated. Nobody healthy and happy wants to kill people.
minxy · 46-50, F
@FishBotDimwit Very well said.

deadteddy · 26-30, F
We need more regulations and hold accountable those parents who let guns at their kids sight. Guns should be nowhere near kids ever.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
It's domestic terrorism. They know that by targeting schools, they can create more panic and fear in the hopes of... I have no idea.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Parents are too busy working 4 jobs to merely pay groceries, and social media brainrot does the rest
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
Among a certain segment of Americans (who shall remain nameless but the culprits are obvious), the love of guns supersedes all other considerations, including the protection of children.
The gun nuts are the ones who don’t seem to care.
1) some people are evil and depraved 2) schools are easy targets 3) poor parenting 4) people dont seem to care about the consequences of their actions
Ontheroad · M
I can't be sure, but of the 417 school shootings since Columbine, the median age of the shooters was 16.

This leads me to believe we are dealing with a large number of teenagers with mental health issues that have not been identified (or if noted), and whose parents, schools, and law enforcement, have not properly dealt with.

Secondly, it's the ease with which these teenagers were able to put their hands on firearms and ammunition.

Social media is another part of it.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Ontheroad What is interesting that it is largely an American problem. No where else in the world comes close to the per capita school shootings.
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@JimboSaturn Yeah it’s a complete mystery because we know for sure it can’t be the wide availability of guns, can it?

It must be that teenagers in the rest of the developed world get all their mental health issues addressed and they don’t have the same access to social media.
Ontheroad · M
@JimboSaturn Ease of access to firearms is one reason why we are different. Another is our form of government and having 50 states that by-in-large, govern themselves. Still another is crappy/almost nonexistent mental health care for many.
CheezeburgerBrown · 36-40, M
It’s called generational trauma ..Kids aren’t being allowed to express themselves..they are the product of their parents fears ..
HannahSky · F
They have access to the weapons.
I'd like to know the same thing.

I don't think some parents are as involved with their kids because both have to work in order to support a family.
@MsSwan They aren't and that's the problem. It's frustrating and maddening.
minxy · 46-50, F
It's been going on since I was a kid, it's just sensationalized now because of the media's reach.
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JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@BlueVeins So true, my daughter's social life is almost non-existent. I can't say this is true across the board, but her social life and fun activities is impoverished compare to mine due to the internet.
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BlueVeins · 22-25
@JimboSaturn America was full of guns a couple years ago and this shit basically never happened. Gun control can take the edge off, but this is a much deeper problem.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@BlueVeins I have to agree with you there. It's seems to have become a cultural norm or something.

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