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I got the slipper at school

One of our teachers at primary school kept an old slipper of her husbands in the drawer of her desk, so when a member of the class misbehaved they were called to the front to retrieve the slipper from the desk. The teacher would then bring her chair to the front of the class, and sit on it, and receive the slipper from the miscreant, who would then bend over her knee to receive the adjudged punishment from the slipper on their bottom. The punishment being over, the slipper was then returned to the desk by the pupil, who then had the pleasure of sitting for the rest of the lesson on the hard chair while the lesson continued!
Happened to me several times with that particular teacher and let me tell you it did me no harm whatever!
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Caned4doz · 61-69, M
Going by your age group, you were ahead of me in school, but clearly we both attended school in the days when corporal punishment was a standard practice. I missed out on the slipper entirely, but I was not spared various other methods. I have clear memories when I was in Convent school of being smacked by Nuns on the back of bare legs. As I got older, I got the board ruler on the backside, but it was when I went to high school, a private (i.e. fee paying) Catholic boys school, that I was caned and quite a few times.

Having grown up in the era when schools and parents administered cp, I accepted it as the consequence for my misbehaviour and, I'm happy to admit, I did misbehave sometimes. Like you, it did me no harm at all (except maybe wounding my pride and giving me a sore bottom...lol), and in fact, I consider it taught me (eventually) the principles of accountability and responsibility.
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jackcros · 70-79, M
@Sharon as well as the long holidays! Back then the only ”teaching assistants” in schools were slipper, strap and cane so there was plenty of opportunity for those who liked using them to indulge their passion.
Sharon · F
@jackcros Those "teaching assistants" did a lot of work in some classes.
jackcros · 70-79, M
@Sharon we had one female teacher who regularly sent boys to the local “blind school’ to collect bundles of canes because she wore them out so rapidly.
Sharon · F
When I was at school, everyone got the slipper at some time.
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ArtieKat · M
@SW-User *Chuckles lewdly*
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tradvalues · 46-50, M
The PE plimsoll was a regular implement when i was a housemaster in Zimbabwe
Flower11 · 61-69, M
And frequently used no doubt!
Sounds like you deserved it and actually learned to like and accept it
@ArtieKat Neither do I but according to some others on this thread, they did. These are people considerably older than me and at Catholic schools. I had already said I was not at school when the cane was in use.
ArtieKat · M
@autumngirl27 I was well aware that corporal punishment was banned in State schools before you were born - and in private schools before you were old enough to attend. I got the impression that you had spoken to your mother about her ownexperiences.
@ArtieKat I did. Mum also said although the cane was in use, some teachers assaulted pupils. I mean slaps across the face, being shaken about like a bag of rubbish and in one case, kicked. It sounds like hell.
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@abbeyp] i agree it never did any harm what so ever 😆lol except to yor backside initially
Flower11 · 61-69, M
Regularly whacked by our housemaster. Slipper standard punishment.
they banned spankings at school here long ago... but the idea of spanking someone with a shoe at school is just ludicrous... i understand canes or paddles... but a shoe.... hilarious
Sharon · F
@Strawberrry Aren't mixed sex schools common in your country?
@Sharon mixed sex yes.. but not spanking anyone with a shoe
1olderguy20 · 61-69, M
They paddle in schools still in the south
and let me tell you it did me no harm whatever!
People who grow up with a fetish for reliving and obsessing about school beatings were harmed.
Even if they don’t want to admit it. Adults who get off on the idea of beating children are sick. 😳
Barny52 · 56-60, M
Yes and the ruler, learned more in those classes than later on when it was stopped
Highskirt · 56-60, M
Yep i too got either the slipper or th cane
Sharon · F
@Highskirt I got the ruler in junior school.
Highskirt · 56-60, M
@Sharon as did i .i think i had the slipper in junior .it was secondary where i got the cane
Sharon · F
@Highskirt We got the ruler in juniors school at first and the slipper as we got older. The cane was also used there but relatively rarely. Slipperings were daily events in secondary school and the cane was in frequent use too.
Justme264 · 70-79, M
A lovely narrative thank you... I remember well such scenes
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
A lovely naughty girl
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
So lacking today
chubbysteve99 · 56-60, M
that is good to hear maam
Dawgsfan3 · 41-45, M

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