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Guys confuse me

Yesterday I went to a singles mixer event and saw two guys staring gazing at me for a moment not just like loom really quick but like checking me out it appeared. Anywho I had a little alcohol courage and went to say hi to them at different times to each guy and try to start a conversation but they seemed uninterested in our chat so I just left it. I felt really awkward going up to them because I thought they were interested in me. Anywho has anyone ever had this happen to them or have any of you guys down this to a girl and why?
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TraeCasey · 26-30, M
Guys have this automatic “checking out” reflex when a person enters. I even find myself doing it at the gym when someone walks in, and sometimes it’s even a guy I’ve just looked at. If it’s a girl I’ll automatically assess her body and what not. Doesn’t mean I find her attractive or my type. Just looking at her like “would I”?

As for the guys you spoke to, maybe you came on a bit too strong, gave them the impression that you would stick around even if they didn’t show too much effort.

I generally feel that women have terrible game. When I approach a woman as a guy, she’s expecting me to lead the interaction, that means I have to pace the conversation, introduce closeness at the right places and create space at the right times to cultivate that perfect level of interest and attraction. Maybe when you went up to these guys you kind of expected them to do that to you without realising you were doing that?
Is it possible that you didn’t realise it was now your responsibility as the approacher to manage all those things?

Finally, it maybe that they felt emasculated by you leading the attraction and lost interest. Some guys only feel secure if they’re in the masculine chasing position. I don’t know how you feel about that but I’d say you probably dodged two bullets
in10RjFox · M
Some guys are really shy and in a group each expects the other to make the move. You could have waited for them to greet you with a smile or extend their glass for a cheers. These are normal etiquette each should follow.

At events like this each must be in a good disposition with a smile and greet each whose eyes meet.

Did you try asking them more questions like is it your first time, where from etc. ?
WandererTony · 56-60, M
As a man it has often happened to me. Women who look at me longer than usual or more than once and as you used the term “check out” would respond very coldly when spoken to directly.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@TraeCasey maybe.
WandererTony · 56-60, M
@TraeCasey you seem to have given these matters a lot of thought and study. 😊
TraeCasey · 26-30, M
@WandererTony oh trust me I have 😂
mousmranony · 51-55, M
No, and no. Maybe they were nervous? Or a case of mistaken identity? Or you did it awkwardly? Or you came on too strong? If not I'm guessing they were being judgemental of you in some way.
Mikedewars · 70-79, M
Hey. Parties can be hard. Lets talk. See what makes you feel good. Then we can learn how to amplify your best feelings., but maybe

1) They were looking at someone else along the same sight line (behind you, for instance).


2) They had a private conversation something like this:

A: see that girl over there?

[B figures out who it is]

B: OK, yeah, the cute one wearing <whatever>? [A nods] What about her?

A: Is, it couldn't think it might be...

B: Huh? Who is it? You KNOW her?

A: Yes, I think so...she looks like <G, name of an ex of A>.


A: Yes...I think so...her face looks like G, her body looks like G; that outfit is TOTALLY G...

B: DUDE...I think you're right; it IS G! What do you want to do?

A: Oh, wait...she's heading this way..., she's not G...

B: Oh...yeah, now that I that.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
They won't say it but I will. All men wake up and spend the rest of their day in a state of confusion. Why do you think the world is as screwed up as it is.
DarkXtecy · 41-45, M
What was the conversation about?
Mikedewars · 70-79, M
Lets talk a little. Maybe i can help you find your way
cd4259 · 61-69, M
I would never be so rude to a girl, ever, period
496sbc · 36-40, M
What thats foul. ☹
Sounds like shyness
Neoerectus · M
Probably shy

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