Is this racism?When you google "American Inventors," 10/12 inventors are black, and the inventors of the light bulb and telephone are listed at the 7th and 10th position, respectively, behind some black inventors who have done much less in terms of 'invention.' (1)
Why do people say Christians can't be liberal?Heard this thing from multiple people so I'm just wondering. I'm very liberal and I'm also very Christian too. I'm just wondering why a lot of people think Jose two things aren't compatible.
Can you be both rich and a liberal?So my parents make a lot of money. Like it's a lot. I'm really liberal. Today someone told me that I can be a liberal and call for social equality but I'll always have daddy's credit cards to back me up. So, I'm just wondering: can you be a liberal... See More »
Am I a basketball bandwagon fan?I was a cavs fan from 2003-2010 and from 2014 to the present and a heat fan from 2010 to 2014.
How is the East so bad?Seriously the Celtics just got blown out. I get they were playing Lebron but no team, especially a one seed, should lose by 44 to ANYONE.
Is it in bad taste to name my child after Jared Fogle?So I LOVE Jared Fogle... But others don't. Is it really that bad to name my baby after him?
Are french people smarter than American people?This is what french people did: This is what American people did: (2)