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Asking for prayers or good vibes again for my friend, Tom.

He has been in the hospital for 7 days now. He admitted himself to the Emergency room because his left lung, (where he had radiation treatment for stage 3 inoperable lung cancer), keeps filling up with fluid. They are on their third go removing fluid...more than 2 Liters so far.

They say they don't know what is causing it.

PLEASE send all your good thoughts, good vibes and/or PRAYERS to the doctors who are treating him. If I could, I would request that those doctors receive Divine guidance, so that they will figure out what is wrong, and figure out how to fix it.
4meAndyou · F

My friend Tom has finally been moved out of the hospital into another rehab facility. (The second one in this process). He is still very weak, but actually spoke to me on the phone, so I know he is a lot better.

He was moved from the hospital to a nursing home, originally, and there he caught the flu.

He had the flu, which segued into pneumonia. During THAT escalation, he had an outbreak of COPD. THEN he caught C Difficile, (a super bug), but the doctors found that very early and nipped it in the bud.

During all of this, he had to have the fluid drained from his lungs every three days, which is extremely painful.

One of the nurses at the rehab told him to allow himself time to recover, because he has really been through a LOT.

His family are finally, FINALLY stepping up and they are going to go into his mobile home and clear out the living room area, so that a visiting nurse will be able to enter and drain fluid from his lungs after he is released from rehab.

Different members of his family have been in to see him at the hospital and at the rehab almost every single day...and I am so relieved. At times I felt as though he REALLY needed them and they were just totally absent.
@4meAndyou it's good to hear that he is moving along with things. I hope your friend Tom gets better.
4meAndyou · F
@twiigss Thank you so much!!!
@4meAndyou you're welcome 😊
4meAndyou · F
Update: Tom is in a rehabilitation facility now, where they can drain his lung regularly. It keeps filling up. He is very weak, but says that they will probably give him physical therapy to try to strengthen him. He does not know when, or if, he will be released, but has been told that they can keep him there for up to 100 days.
@4meAndyou That's good to hear, but hopefully they can find out what's causing the problem before 100 days is up.
4meAndyou · F
@twiigss Wouldn't that be nice. So far, they have no idea.
I also once had to go through fluid removal from chest. In my case it was tuberculosis. There is also a possibility of flaring of TB if you had it before and you abruptly withdrew from steroids. It happened in my case as I discontinued steroids without doctor prescription.

There can be many reasons for pulmonary edema(fluid in lungs). Like, Pneumonia and other infections can inflame lung tissues, causing fluid buildup. There can also be many reasons in which it can be difficult to find out the root cause, like, exposure to certain toxins or drug reactions which can also contribute to fluid accumulation in the lungs.

I hope doctors will soon be able to rule out the cause, and he will be better again. If he has the +ve attitude towards life, he can recover fast.
4meAndyou · F
@ABCDEF7 Thank you. I PRAY that they do. I can't speak to them on his behalf, because that makes him upset. He doesn' t remember too much of his own history, and when I repeat to him the things he has told me, and the things he has done, he says he doesn't remember this or that...and he has asked me NOT to tell his doctor things he doesn't remember.
@4meAndyou This is kind of weird. If he can't remember his past correctly he should be thankful to you if you could share some important information for doctors to treat him. I can't understand that.

For me, his health & life would be more important than he keeping me in his good books.
4meAndyou · F
@ABCDEF7 I did tell his pulmonary specialist's PA that before radiation treatment his left lung had collapsed, but they went ahead with the radiation anyway, and the lower portion of the lung was sort of burned or fused to it's own fold afterward. He asked me if I had talked to the PA, and if so, what I had said, and I told him. He said he didn't remember any of that, and didn't know if it was even true, so he said he would appreciate it if I would not speak to his doctors about things he doesn't remember.

He really is a blank slate at times. Some of it is from PTSD, some of it is or was Chemo Brain, and some of it is because he tells tall tales and can't keep them all straight. He is just VERY touchy about his privacy and what he considers his OWN territory. He is Never thankful for interference. I am not his wife.

His life IS important to me, and I DID speak, and I was warned off.

There is also a legal issue, because even though I am allowed to be in the emergency room with him at his own request, I am not his family, and he has not signed any papers authorizing a Doctor to discuss his medical issues with me.
4meAndyou · F
UPDATE #2: The rehab facility doctor thinks the cancer is back and is causing the fluid in his lungs. His doctor at Dana Farber in Boston ghosted him, and they have now found him a new oncologist, also at Dana Farber, but closer to his home. He has an appointment on Monday.
@4meAndyou Well, it's good to hear at least they think the know the cause of the fluid. Very odd why his doctor would have ghosted him, but at least they found him someone new. All the best :)
4meAndyou · F
@twiigss Thank you. If you knew my friend and how hostile he is toward doctors, you would probably understand why several of them never want to see him again.
@4meAndyou Ohhhh. Yeah I can understand that. Hopefully he won't be as hostile toward his new doctor. You don't want to lose a good thing, but doctor's can be good and helpful.
Slade · 56-60, MVIP
Prayers out 🙏
4meAndyou · F
@Slade Thank you!
4meAndyou · F
Update: More fluid removed. One more Liter.
4meAndyou · F
@Musicman It's hard to tell via text, but he is being transferred to a rehabilitation facility, probably tomorrow. They've found him a bed.

After his cancer treatments, he was also placed in a rehab, and stayed there about 3 weeks. He contracted pneumonia in the hospital first, and then contracted C Difficile in the rehab facility, which was a filthy pest hole. He is NOT going there again, thank God.

I told him about all the people who have prayed for him, and he REALLY appreciates it, and says he needs all the help he can get.
Raaii · 22-25, F
@4meAndyou he's definitely a fighter
Such a strong child of God
He should be kind to him
and heal him soon
🙏🙇‍♀️ Thank you so much for sharing and updating about his condition with us here
All my prayers and positive wishes🙇‍♀️
4meAndyou · F
@Raaii Thank you so much, Child of God that YOU are. Thank you for your prayers. God hears you.
Sending healing prayers 🙏🙏🙏
4meAndyou · F
@BizSuitStacy Thank you, my friend.
I’m so sorry. I will. 💛
4meAndyou · F
@mindstruggle Thank you!
4meAndyou · F
UPDATE: Tom says the doctor at the rehab thinks his cancer is back, and that is causing the fluid.
She told him she is looking into obtaining an oncologist for him since his old oncologist has ghosted him, and says she thinks he should go back to Dana Farber for treatment.

He is not thinking correctly, and told me he plans to die now. I yelled at him. That's my specialty, and I told him that if he doesn't call the American Cancer society and get some help, I am coming down there and I will yell at everyone!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Not really. But I am thinking about it. 😉
Kstrong · 56-60, F
@4meAndyou praying for the next steps and direction that you take and for tge oeace with that decision
likesnatural · 70-79, M
@4meAndyou It is very admirable that you care so much for him!
4meAndyou · F
@likesnatural Thank you. I doubt he understands WHY I yell at him, but thank you for understanding.
I really really hope that whatever is wrong with your friend Tom, that the Doctors can figure it out and that he recovers from this ailment.
4meAndyou · F
@twiigss Thank you, kind sir.
@4meAndyou you're welcome 😊
Busybee333 · 31-35, F
Wishing the docs a successful life-saving process and to Tom a rapid and steadfast recovery! ❤
4meAndyou · F
@Busybee333 Thank you for your good wishes.
Of course. Prayers and good vibes to Tom and Doctors.
@4meAndyou You know i am here anytime for you.
4meAndyou · F
@Sojournersoul Thank you.
@4meAndyou Welcome. 🤗
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I know how much this friend has meant to you over the years. I am praying for him.
4meAndyou · F
@DrWatson Thank you SO much my friend. I feel as though he is near his last journey...and I would so much like to pray him away from it...I appreciate you. You are a fine man. 🤗🤗🤗
OverTheHill · 56-60, M
Prayers for healing and for God's peace to be with you.
4meAndyou · F
@OverTheHill Thank you for your kindness.
AbbeyRhode · F
Sorry to hear this. Prayers for Tom, and his doctors.
4meAndyou · F
@AbbeyRhode Thank you for your prayers.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
I'm sorry.

Prayers and good wishes.
4meAndyou · F
@SumKindaMunster Thank you!
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Prayers heading your way Good luck!
4meAndyou · F
@Heartlander Thank you my friend.
Domking · 61-69, M
Prayers for Tom 🙏🙏💜
4meAndyou · F
@Domking Many thanks for your kindness.
You got it, lovely one.💖
4meAndyou · F
@MoonlightLullaby Thank you so much, my friend. Bless you.
likesnatural · 70-79, M
😢🙏🏻🤞🏾. I hope he gets well.
4meAndyou · F
@likesnatural Thank you for the prayer and good wishes.
Kstrong · 56-60, F
4meAndyou · F
@Kstrong He has family, but he is a lone wolf type of person. He doesn't allow them into his life, and I don't think they want to be part of his life either.

He has to face whatever happens alone.

I thank you and bless you for your uplifting prayers.
Kstrong · 56-60, F
@4meAndyou i will continue to lift up and even how you can come alongside and minister
4meAndyou · F
@Kstrong I do what I can. ☺️☺️☺️ THANK you!!!!
Nimbus · M
Sending good vibes.
4meAndyou · F
@Nimbus Thank you for the vibes.
ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
My prayers 🙏
4meAndyou · F
@ShadowWorker Thank you, lovely lady. You are most kind.

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