God never said not to drink just that it's bad for you..
Frostcloud · F
i think you should just be upfront with them and say you want to dial back on drinking for personal reasons. if they keep pushing it then they're super lame anyway
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Lostpoet · M
@Frostcloud I don't know how and I don't know what to say to him because I don't know how to feel. I think that if I did things differently then his brother would still be here.
Frostcloud · F
@Lostpoet check out websites on grieving and look into forums on grief support, you'll find more help there
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To the true Triune God of the Bible?
Lostpoet · M
@BritishFailedAesthetic I need to go back to the Bible. I just slipped, I hope I never drink again.
@Lostpoet If God is convicting you that you have a problem with drinking, you definitely need to stop and God will be with you every step of the way!
Remember, we are all sinners. We have sinned against an infinitely glorious, thrice Holy God. Christ (God the Son) took our punishment on the cross and even had God's unfettered wrath poured on him for us. That is how serious our sin is and why we must accept him as our saviour, or we will NOT enter heaven.
Candles, prayer beads and icons are just symbols of religion, if you know someone you don't talk to them through beads, do you?
Next, have fellowship with a Bible believing Gospel church where the Gospel is always preached. Stay after the service and mingle, don't be a stranger!
Remember, we are all sinners. We have sinned against an infinitely glorious, thrice Holy God. Christ (God the Son) took our punishment on the cross and even had God's unfettered wrath poured on him for us. That is how serious our sin is and why we must accept him as our saviour, or we will NOT enter heaven.
Candles, prayer beads and icons are just symbols of religion, if you know someone you don't talk to them through beads, do you?
Next, have fellowship with a Bible believing Gospel church where the Gospel is always preached. Stay after the service and mingle, don't be a stranger!