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To Innocent Jews and Christians

The common misconception among the Christian's and Jews is that Islam is some other religion

It is same religion that Prophet Moses and Prophet Jesus practiced

Muslim is not a race , tribe , ethnicity

a Muslim by definition is a person who submits his or her will to God


A simple question for your minds 3 different religions right ..

then why are these names common in sacred scripture's

Adam ..peace be upon him
David ..peace be upon him
Moses ..peace be upon him
Noah .. peace be upon him
Solomon ..peace be upon him
Abraham .. peace be upon him
Isaac .. peace be upon him
Ishmael .. peace be upon him
Jacob .. peace be upon him
Elijah .. peace be upon him
Jonah .. peace be upon him
Joseph .. peace be upon him
Zechariah .. peace be upon him
Lot .. peace be upon him
Aaron .. peace be upon him
Ezekiel .. peace be upon him
Jethro .. peace be upon him
Hud .. peace be upon him
Elisha ..peace be upon him

Mary .. peace be upon her
Jesus .. peace be upon him
Enoch .. peace be upon him
Job .. peace be upon him
John the Baptist .. peace be upon him
Saleh .. peace be upon him

Mohammad .. peace be upon him


Most of the names above are easy to find in all 3 ..

the story of Gog n Magog is also in 3 scriptures

now a days we get app updates right ..

then why can't a scripture get an update / the final version = Quran


you love Jesus i love Jesus peace be upon him

you love Moses i love Moses peace be upon him

its the misinterpretations done knowingly to divide people

God is one and same for everyone .

Read Quran with translation in your language

you can also learn about similarities and misinterpretations from Ahmed Deedat and Dr Zakir Naik videos

There is also a channel called "Towards Eternity" over YouTube

which features stories of people over it
just watch what inspired them .
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Greyjedi · M
Nice but not entirely true. Same Old Testament god but different religions. Nice message though.
Greyjedi · M
@Jake966 That’s what you’re book says the truth could be different.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
@Greyjedi that is the truth
RedBaron · M
@Jake966 Jesus supposedly said that and Christians believe it, so it’s the truth for them.

Jews like me believe that Jesus was a mortal man who lived and died young, so it’s not the truth for us.

Muslims also don’t believe it and neither do Atheists, so it’s also not the truth for them.

You apparently haven’t figured out that all beliefs are self-fulfilling prophecies, that is that they are true to believers BECAUSE they believe, and not true to non-believers BECAUSE they don’t believe.

That is why there’s no objective, incontrovertible truth for everyone across all religions and denominations, and why you can’t change my mind and I can’t change yours.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
God is not the same for everyone. There are hundreds of gods. Do you believe jesus is god? The answer is no. Then stop stating things that are clearly wrong.
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RedBaron · M
@Aliveshock Humans are evolved from apes. Adam and Eve are mythical characters.
Don’t post bs like that.
You can’t back up your claim so sit down!
All three deceive people with imaginary beings and events.
@sree251 Objects tend to move in a straight line until acted upon by another object or force.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@SW-User What straight line? The one you draw on the blackboard or in your book?
@sree251 A line is that which extends without deviation from its path.
Neoerectus · M
A few years back a tenured professor in the US was forced out of a UNIVERSITY when she stated that the three had common roots and thus the same god. 😳 🙄
RedBaron · M
@Neoerectus An evangelical Christian college with a religious affiliation and bias, not a nonsectarian college or university.

See the difference?
Neoerectus · M
@RedBaron It is even worse in many ways. Your condescension is low class as well.
RedBaron · M
@Neoerectus Thank you!
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Jesus is not a prophet . He is the Savior Son of God.
RedBaron · M
@Jake966 According to the myth, yes.

But all religions are founded on myths.
Jake966 · 56-60, M
@RedBaron boy, do you got a lot to learn
RedBaron · M
@Jake966 You have even more to learn.

But I’m not going to teach you.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
How do you misinterpret Imams openly declaring death to anyone who speaks against Islam?

How do you misinterpret Islamic religious and political leaders openly stating they have no intentions of honoring any peace agreements they sign, it's just a means to an end. ?

How do you misinterpret Imams openly declaring death to all Jews and to Israel?

How do you misinterpret that every " moderate" Muslim organization , council and foundation funnels donations to the " radical" fundamentalist sects of Islam ?

How do you misinterpret that Islamic countries use the ancient, outdated, repressive, Sharia Law as the basis for their legal system in?

How does one misinterpret " Do not stop until the last man praises Allah?

Shall I go on? Because I'm not seeing much evidence of misinterpretation ?
RedBaron · M
And? What’s your point?

Most people know that it’s an Abrahamic faith.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
I get where you're coming from, there's quite a bit of inter faith respect.
If Mohammed did not confess Jesus as Lord and Savior then he was condemned.
Jesus is the Shepherd that laid his life down for his flock.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Everyone is on crack
Lovesungoddess · 22-25, F
@SkeetSkeet in the past there were psychedelics, maybe moses was tripping.
@Lovesungoddess One theory was that the burning bush was a Cannabis variety, that Moses got baked, after all it is a native flora to the Sinai region, and used in ancient temple ritual.
@Lovesungoddess One of my favorite documentaries, it has been about ten years since I watched it last though.
Aami1 · 26-30, F
Correct, Muslim is not a race and so leftists should stop conflating criticism of Islam with racism.
Islam came to be after Muhammed's favorite wife, six year old Alisha, explained her child's view of Catholicism to him, which was her own religion.
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