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Christanity Prophecies for the coming years 2024-2033

on this channel there are Christian prophecies for the coming years, I've been reading them for 3 years, it's about famine, wars, natural disasters, financial bankruptcy, the coming of the antichrist and other things, it's interesting check it out too
youtube channel Bog.Mowi.do.Ciebie

prophecies with english subtitles Are from 2021 to september 2023

here is the new germany channel for new videos with english subtitles from september 2023

Seems like a good place to repost some of my favorite Armageddons!

An Assyrian clay tablet dating to around 2800 B.C. bears the inscription: “Our Earth is degenerate in these later days; there are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end; bribery and corruption are common; children no longer obey their parents; every man wants to write a book and the end of the world is evidently approaching.”

In the Apocrypha it was prophesied that the world would end in 1,000 years. Fanatics all over Europe believed that the Last Judgment was to be expected at Jerusalem on the last day of 999.

In 1213, Innocent III wrote: “A son of perdition has arisen, the false prophet Muhammed, who has seduced many men from the truth by worldly enticements and the pleasures of the flesh… we nevertheless put our trust in the Lord who has already given us a sign that good is to come, that the end of this beast is approaching, whose number, according to the Revelation of Saint John, will end in 666 years, of which already nearly 600 have passed.”

In 1499, the German mathematician and astronomer Johannes Stöffler predicted that a vast flood would engulf the world on February 20, 1524. (His calculations foretold 20 planetary conjunctions during this year—16 of which would take place in a “watery sign,” a.k.a. Pisces.)

In Europe, more than 100 different pamphlets were published endorsing Stöffler’s doomsday prophecy. Business boomed for boat-builders, not least for German nobleman Count von Iggleheim, who constructed a three-story ark on the Rhine.

Although 1524 was a drought year in Europe, a light rain did fall on the designated day. Crowds of people—hoping to gain a seat on Iggleheim’s ark—began to riot. Hundreds were killed and the count was stoned to death.

Stöffler later recalculated the actual date to be 1528, but by then his reputation as a soothsayer had been ruined.

Of course, in recent years, many many ends of the world have been predicted by one prophet or another. But I like the old armageddons - they prove there's nothing new about false prophesies!!!
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
More mumbo jumbo

barbara73 · 51-55, F
I remember that they wrote that this year Russia will attack Europe and then there will be great heat all over the world and a lack of water and the beginning of a famine and a financial crisis, they wrote about the civil war in America and the subsequent attack on the USA by China and other countries, about the attack on Europe from the Muslim refugees who will one day be in thousands of places in Germany, France and England, at the same time Turkey will attack Greece, they wrote about the fact that North Korea will attack Taiwan and then China will enter the war, after these events a global storm will begin on earth, wind, earthquakes, power outages, at the same time in this era the elite will release a new virus stronger than covid, it will be a skin disease, in the middle of this judgment will come a false messiah who will claim to be god, unite humanity and after that the greatest tyranny of all time will begin and the worldwide persecution of Christians
@barbara73 None of what you listed has happened. Can you list some predictions they made that actually happened when they said they would?

You know what would convince me? Stock market tips.
Um, there's constant war, famine and crime since Christians stated their rule 😂
bugeye · 26-30, F
without precise dates and details prophesies are worthless. it's all just vague guesswork so that just about anything can be crammed into it as a claim it's true. like when people relate to horoscopes.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Oh, nothing not pretty safe to prophesy as possibly happening somewhere, somehow at some time in the future, then!

Then link retrospectively to some vague ideas written by someone unknown a Very Long Time Ago.
Willomk1 · 46-50, M
Not being funny there’s always been wars famines and natural disasters
In 1666 people thought the same,plague,the fire of London and civil war truly the end of times
Ynotisay · M
It's always like that. FEAR. They pimp fear to people who are driven by fear. It's how they control and get their money.
bookerdana · M
I wonder why they don't have your prophets say,Oh bought the same🤔
RedBaron · M
But Jesus doesn’t want you to pray so much! 🤣
walabby · 61-69, M

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