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The Corruption of Religion

Religious Teachings

You shouldn't trust organized religion of any kind because acceptance en masse always leads to the corruption of the original teachings. Here is how religion works. A belief, philosophy or subjective fact dependent upon faith is proposed and then propagated to the masses. If they are widely accepted, they become useful tools for social and political control. Typically, the original teachings of religion are transmogrified in the process - often for the political control itself - which, through a gradual and insidious process of cultural, social and traditional influence, becomes the paradigm. You see this in the emperor Constantine the Great's politicization of Christianity and the Nicaean creed. You see it with Emperor Wu Ti's promotion of Confucianism and interest in Taoism. Shintoism was named as such due to a need for a distinction between ancient Japanese cultural ritualistic festivals during the planting and harvesting seasons and the newly introduced Buddhism from India. It was then incorporated into the mythological instruction of Japanese youth through the legends of the Nihongi and Kojiki by the Royal family.

Buddhism, Confucianism, Shintoism and Taoism

Confucianism and Taoism were two different schools of thought developed around the same time in China during the Warring States period. A time when the citizens were exhausted with the constant battles between feudal states. Both believed in a heavenly way. That nature or the universe as a heavenly way rather than deities. They had two different approaches to their teachings of the heavenly way. Taoism was passive; allow nature to take its course, to interfere causes problems. Confucianism was active; nature must be harnessed. Buddhism, also originally without deities, was an attempt to find the middle way, something in between asceticism and indulgence. Its primary doctrine was the Four Noble Truths, which is to achieve enlightenment through the acknowledgement, understanding and dissolution of suffering through letting go. Shintoism was syncretistic cultural celebrations during the planting and harvesting seasons in Japan. It existed for centuries without a name, until Buddhism migrated there creating the need for a name to distinguish it from that. Though deities were incorporated into these celebrations they weren't Gods in the traditional occidental sense, resembling more what we would liken to spirits. These spirits were dead ancestors who would inhabit various objects like mirrors, swords, trees or mountains. Anything, really. The spirits were interchangeable. The importance in the Shinto festivals was community. Coming together to help one another.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Mormonism

Judaism is often thought of as Biblical and separate from Christianity. Actually though they both come from, at least in part, the Bible, Judaism as known today is the separation of Jewish tradition formed when the religious leaders of Jesus's day finally got the opportunity to exploit the sociopolitical power they had long coveted formerly possessed by the Aaronic priests. The catalyst for this was the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in 70 CE and the subsequent dissolution of the Aaronic priesthood. Jewish thinking, as presented by the Bible had always been prone to pagan influence, especially after the infiltration of Greek philosophy through the influence of Alexander the Great in 332 B CE. Christianity wasn't the separation of Jewish or Biblical teachings many perceive it as today, it was actually a continuation of those teachings. After all, Jesus was the long awaited Jewish messiah. Christianity itself became corrupt in the same way with the influence of Constantine the Great in 325 CE.

Islam and Mormonism were, respectively, an aberration and addition to the Biblical teachings. With Islam the sociopolitical protestation of Muhammad, and with Mormonism the, well, sort of delusional cultural appropriation of Joseph Smith.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Corruption is endemic to mankind. Religion. politics, science you name the endeavor and you will find corruption. Maybe that is what Jesus meant when He said "There is no on good but God". The simple fact is that corruption happens when people trust the authority.
in10RjFox · M
@BibleData so what was your prognosis after you got to know that?

Did you think ... What was the need to mend or amend the spelling?
BibleData · M
so what was your prognosis after you got to know that?

Hell hath no fury . . . see, this conversation turned in a way I hadn't expected. I'm uncomfortable. It may not be long till they have us poor bastards in - I can't even imagine it!!!


Did you think ... What was the need to mend or amend the spelling?

Uh, they forgot the e? You're gonna have to help me with this. I'm not getting it.
in10RjFox · M
@BibleData in the past girls were not considered a human entity and was kept as part of cattle of a husbandry. So all terminologies relating to girls had the wif prefix.. so they were wif male , wif man etc. As education and awareness progressed they coul not hold fort .. so they started amending.. Since wif was already established they just added letter e and made it as wife .. and added th to distinguish for the rest of possessions.
in10RjFox · M
Great work. 👏👏👏

Is there a premise or core philosophy that distinguishes each religion from the other?

One question that occurred to me was for Protestants, as to what are they still protesting? Agreed that they were founded in protest of Catholicism.. but later why did they not establish their own philosophy and find a new name for themselves? Isn't it like an opposition party calling themselves opposition even after they win the elections and become the ruling party?
BibleData · M
Is there a premise or core philosophy that distinguishes each religion from the other?

I think they each have their own, but there are of course, similarities. They change over time as they are corrupted so the premise is obfuscated. Buddhism started out as an alternative to the extreme complexities of Hinduism and eventually surpassed it. Taoism began as a simple approach to nature and evolved into superstitious priests for hire to bless supermarkets. Confucianism sort of became a parody of itself, at least the simplified occidental version. Judaism nailed their long awaited messiah to a tree and Christianity became an amalgam of pagan nonsense. Shintoism had been syncretistic from the start so in a sense it's the closest to having remained true to itself. Remember these are only my own personal observations of a brief historical examination. My forte is the Bible, rather than even the doctrinal nuances of religion. Many atheists know Christian doctrine better than I myself do.

As their teachings intermingle elements are adopted. Prayer beads and the cross, for example. I think the Protestant movement was very selective, keeping many of those elements that they should have gotten rid of, and, well, Catholicism remains but they (the Protestants) are still protesting in some sense other than just name.
@Max41 but it's not even relevant to the post. If it was relevant to the price of tea in China, it would at least be relevant to something . But it's not even relevant to that. Just like your challenge to my age
Max41 · 26-30, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP You had shown your age by linking the description of Jesus with the price of chinese tea .

Make sure your parents are giving you tea only and not much caffeine , because the "Group" of this topic is Religion .
The topic "heading" is Religion . and even my comment was related to religion .
There is nothing like chinese tea in the religion , drink less caffeine kid .
BibleData · M
@Max41 I don't understand what bearing this screenshot is. Don't see much of @Diotrephes these days. Which is unfortunate because there is a passionate and intelligent fellow. I seldom agree with him, but that doesn't change how I perceive him.
I got to say I like what you are serving here
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BibleData · M
@Max41 I don't get the Occam's razor reference, either applying to Islam or Christianity. I don't think there is any way either of them could be right if by removing anything unnecessary.

Perhaps a similitude: If the teaching of evolution were adopted by Christianity it wouldn't make Christianity or evolution right. It isn't that evolution is unnecessary it's that it isn't compatible. It doesn't belong. It's contrary to Biblical teaching, so the only reason to adopt it would be to appease academia, intelligentsia, and therefore make converts, money, get power and prestige. Only instead of evolution Christianity adopted pagan nonsense like the immortal soul from Socrates, the trinity from Plato, the cross from Constantine, Easter from Astarte and Christmas from Saturnalia, the winter solstice. Islam just fucked it all up and made their own illiterate over zealous religious misinterpretation. Mormonism was just a fantasy. It has references to people, places and events that never existed in some apparent attempt to Americanize the Bible.
Max41 · 26-30, M
@BibleData They both are criminal religions .
Hitler killed 17 million people .
Belgian king chopped hands and legs of 1.5 million people , did he ever say sorry ?
Spanish forced people on their swords and gun to become christian .
French killed 1000 kids .
Today whole North America is colonised .
Australia , South Africa .

What type of preachers or followers are these ?

However Osama , Isis , and other muslims are also doing bad things .

Both religions are criminals . They only teach to kill for their jesus or mohommad .
BibleData · M
@Max41 What you are talking about is politics, though. Religion is a tool abused by politics. To say religion is bad because of these things is like saying baseball bats, knives, automobiles or hammers are bad because people misuse abuse them. You can apply anything to that. Love, money, science, politics itself. Religion doesn't kill people, people kill people. They use any of those things.
pride49 · 31-35, M
Well all religion was first derived from a 10 page Quaran. Sooooo...whatever
Supposing those teachings involve directives about forming some sort of organization?
BibleData · M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP I don't think the directives matter. People have a way of fucking up everything and nothing will stop it. Usually for social, political or financial incentive. But that reflects the leadership. The real problem is with the adherents. They want the distortion and they support it. Even though they always cling to some deluded transmogrification of the original as if that were the most important thing. It isn't. The tradition is. Its transmogrification. I would never found an organized religion because I might be able to stave off that transmogrification for a while, but after I was gone it would rise as surely as the sun rises.

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