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The Corruption of Religion

Religious Teachings

You shouldn't trust organized religion of any kind because acceptance en masse always leads to the corruption of the original teachings. Here is how religion works. A belief, philosophy or subjective fact dependent upon faith is proposed and then propagated to the masses. If they are widely accepted, they become useful tools for social and political control. Typically, the original teachings of religion are transmogrified in the process - often for the political control itself - which, through a gradual and insidious process of cultural, social and traditional influence, becomes the paradigm. You see this in the emperor Constantine the Great's politicization of Christianity and the Nicaean creed. You see it with Emperor Wu Ti's promotion of Confucianism and interest in Taoism. Shintoism was named as such due to a need for a distinction between ancient Japanese cultural ritualistic festivals during the planting and harvesting seasons and the newly introduced Buddhism from India. It was then incorporated into the mythological instruction of Japanese youth through the legends of the Nihongi and Kojiki by the Royal family.

Buddhism, Confucianism, Shintoism and Taoism

Confucianism and Taoism were two different schools of thought developed around the same time in China during the Warring States period. A time when the citizens were exhausted with the constant battles between feudal states. Both believed in a heavenly way. That nature or the universe as a heavenly way rather than deities. They had two different approaches to their teachings of the heavenly way. Taoism was passive; allow nature to take its course, to interfere causes problems. Confucianism was active; nature must be harnessed. Buddhism, also originally without deities, was an attempt to find the middle way, something in between asceticism and indulgence. Its primary doctrine was the Four Noble Truths, which is to achieve enlightenment through the acknowledgement, understanding and dissolution of suffering through letting go. Shintoism was syncretistic cultural celebrations during the planting and harvesting seasons in Japan. It existed for centuries without a name, until Buddhism migrated there creating the need for a name to distinguish it from that. Though deities were incorporated into these celebrations they weren't Gods in the traditional occidental sense, resembling more what we would liken to spirits. These spirits were dead ancestors who would inhabit various objects like mirrors, swords, trees or mountains. Anything, really. The spirits were interchangeable. The importance in the Shinto festivals was community. Coming together to help one another.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Mormonism

Judaism is often thought of as Biblical and separate from Christianity. Actually though they both come from, at least in part, the Bible, Judaism as known today is the separation of Jewish tradition formed when the religious leaders of Jesus's day finally got the opportunity to exploit the sociopolitical power they had long coveted formerly possessed by the Aaronic priests. The catalyst for this was the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple in 70 CE and the subsequent dissolution of the Aaronic priesthood. Jewish thinking, as presented by the Bible had always been prone to pagan influence, especially after the infiltration of Greek philosophy through the influence of Alexander the Great in 332 B CE. Christianity wasn't the separation of Jewish or Biblical teachings many perceive it as today, it was actually a continuation of those teachings. After all, Jesus was the long awaited Jewish messiah. Christianity itself became corrupt in the same way with the influence of Constantine the Great in 325 CE.

Islam and Mormonism were, respectively, an aberration and addition to the Biblical teachings. With Islam the sociopolitical protestation of Muhammad, and with Mormonism the, well, sort of delusional cultural appropriation of Joseph Smith.
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hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
Corruption is endemic to mankind. Religion. politics, science you name the endeavor and you will find corruption. Maybe that is what Jesus meant when He said "There is no on good but God". The simple fact is that corruption happens when people trust the authority.
in10RjFox · M
@hippyjoe1955 birth & death is a phenomenon that applies to everything including god. Everything has to turn bad and perish and must be renewed to sustain. That goes for preaching teachings philosophies law etc. etc. Without any exception.

God too must be founded and established periodically.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@in10RjFox GOD is the Great I AM. There is no founding or establishing. He created you.
in10RjFox · M
@hippyjoe1955 😀😀😀 and who created him? Another god ?
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@in10RjFox So you missed the part about the I AM? It means eternal. Without beginning or end. Maybe you should study a bit more before you make such silly statements.
BibleData · M
birth & death is a phenomenon that applies to everything including god. Everything has to turn bad and perish and must be renewed to sustain. That goes for preaching teachings philosophies law etc. etc. Without any exception.

God too must be founded and established periodically.

I'm afraid I don't agree with that. Most gods are eventually forgotten or adopted by other cultures, but the God of the Bible doesn't die or change in his primary purpose or will. His interaction with people may progress over time and change with the circumstances but there isn't a necessary renewal for the sake of it. For example, Christ came to fulfill the Law and people perceive that as destruction because the law ended. Yes it ended as it was fulfilled.
BibleData · M
@hippyjoe1955 I honestly don't understand why Christians still use the silly distortion of I Am as if it is significant. God saying I am only meant that God would prove to the Israelites to be what he proved to be.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@BibleData A blind man thinks that rainbows are nonsense too. Your spiritual blindness is your problem.
BibleData · M
@hippyjoe1955 No, I think it's just that I don't buy into traditions of men.

“I SHALL PROVE TO BE WHAT I SHALL PROVE TO BE.” Heb., ה ר ה (ʼEh‧yeh′ ʼAsher′ ʼEh‧yeh′), God’s own self-designation; Leeser, “I WILL BE THAT I WILL BE”; Rotherham, “I Will Become whatsoever I please.” Gr., E‧go′ ei‧mi ho on, “I am The Being,” or, “I am The Existing One”; Lat., e′go sum qui sum, “I am Who I am.” ʼEh‧yeh′ comes from the Heb. verb ha‧yah′, “become; prove to be.” Here ʼEh‧yeh′ is in the imperfect state, first person sing., meaning “I shall become”; or, “I shall prove to be.” The reference here is not to God’s self-existence but to what he has in mind to become toward others.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@BibleData Christianity has nothing to do with the traditions of man. Your spiritual blindness keeps you from knowing that.
in10RjFox · M
I'm afraid I don't agree with that. Most gods are eventually forgotten or adopted by other cultures, but the God of the Bible doesn't die or change in his primary purpose or will. His interaction with people may progress over time and change with the circumstances but there isn't a necessary renewal for the sake of it

You are referring to the pre established god founded in the past. I am referring to the true God that is yet unfounded.

The pre established god's are forgotten because they were a fiction created and infused into scripture and that scripture is infused systematically into each generation to maintain contiguity. But newer generations slowly loses its value and eventually forgotten..
BibleData · M
You are referring to the pre established god founded in the past. I am referring to the true God that is yet unfounded.

Problematic because the "established" god isn't temporal. and the "unfounded" god is speculative at best, which makes it temporal and so unnecessary. For example, the established says it's wrong to cheat, lie, and murder so what would the unfounded say?

Deus ex machina. God from the machine. God of one's own creation. See https://semmelweisreflex.com/ I recommend the music. Radio Laurasia. I've got to get back to work on that. I took December off.

The pre established god's are forgotten because they were a fiction created and infused into scripture and that scripture is infused systematically into each generation to maintain contiguity.





If the allegedly former were former we wouldn't be talking about him while only contemplating the future. Since the future and the past don't exist.

Does that make sense?
in10RjFox · M
@BibleData you are unable to switch track. You just keep thinking and going your way, Unable to understand the premise of my argument.
BibleData · M
@in10RjFox Okay. Explain it to me. It seems to me you are saying the "God" created by the primitives is obsolete and the solution to mankind's problems are to be contemplated in the future with an as of yet uncreated God, correct?
in10RjFox · M
@BibleData in a way yes.. God has never come yet but based on predictions god was created and stories built around it much like how movie characters are created today. For instance the current generation can make Superman or Spiderman as God and plagiarise all the philosophies and govern the next generation. So we have to understand that we too have been governed that way using fictional characters and storyline.

So absolutely no use to analyse the gods of the past. Imagine how it would be if the generation 1000 years down the line goes on a fact finding of Spiderman or Superman, just because it is there in a Bible ?

Won't they be arguing like hippyjoe ! Saying Superman said I AM ..😀😀😀

We failed to recognise that we too are more than two thousand years down the line talking about gods founded before that ...
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@in10RjFox You have no idea what you are talking about. It is funny to read your silliness. If we are worshipping the God who created the universe it is silly to think that we need to find a 'future god' that can not be described or imagined.
in10RjFox · M
@hippyjoe1955 😀😀 and how did you, a perishable, know that .. that God wanted him to be worshipped?

And what difference is it going to make whether you worship him or not ?

According to you, I am too the creation of that same god ? Then how has he given me a brain to antagonise and dispute him ?
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@in10RjFox So you have never interacted with the Divine. Your loss. Not mine.
in10RjFox · M
@hippyjoe1955 😀😀😀😀 which MF called himself divine and interacted with you.. ?

So has he given you any boon ?

What is gain or loss in the world?
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@in10RjFox If you have never interacted with the Divine then you have no knowledge of Him so your comments are doubly nonsense.
in10RjFox · M
@hippyjoe1955 but you claim to have interacted with the divine.. why are you talking so much of nonsense?
in10RjFox · M
@hippyjoe1955 and FYI .. I have interacted with the divine... And it's a her and not him..
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@in10RjFox Yes I have a lot of experience interacting with the Divine. I could tell you about some of them but that would be casting pearls before swine. You simply have nothing to base your opinion on because you have no experience. You are like someone who has walked everywhere in life telling a Formula One driver how to drive a car. Your opinion is utter piffle.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@in10RjFox Thanks for confirming your complete lack of interaction. Carry on son you continue to make yourself look foolish.
in10RjFox · M
@hippyjoe1955 so get the fuck out of this thread now .. don't butt in to our conversation.. we are discussing at a much higher level and nobody wanted your opinion.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@in10RjFox What conversation? You were just spouting nonsense.