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Religion Quiz

Share your results on the Godless O Meter.

My results:

1. Deist (100%)

2. Unitarian Universalist (100%)

3. Weak Agnostic (100%)

4. Taoist (90%)

5. Ethical Culturist (87%)

6. Naturalistic Pantheist (87%)

7. Strong Agnostic (87%)

8. Theravada Buddhist (87%)

9. Atheistic Paganist (75%)

10. Transhumanist (75%)

11. Implicit Atheist (75%)

12. Confucianist (62%)

13. Freethinker (62%)

14. Ignosticist (62%)

15. Secular Humanist (53%)

16. Rationalist (50%)

17. Strong Atheist (37%)

18. Iconoclast (25%)

19. Objectivist (18%)
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
I'm dying with "iconoclast" hahah

Mine are these, expected them although some percentages seem kinda high, I don't think I'm spiritual or religious in any sense.

Secular Humanist (100%)
Rationalist (99%)
Iconoclast (90%)
Objectivist (88%)
Strong Atheist (88%)
Ethical Culturist (75%)
Strong Agnostic (75%)
Transhumanist (72%)
Ignosticist (68%)
Freethinker (64%)
Implicit Atheist (61%)
Weak Agnostic (57%)
Deist (55%)
Unitarian Universalist (53%)
Naturalistic Pantheist (50%)
Confucianist (41%)
Taoist (41%)
Theravada Buddhist (41%)
Atheistic Paganist (39%)
Straylight · 31-35, F
@HannibalAteMeOut Some of these are leaps in logic. Do you like nature? Yes?
✅ Pagan
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@Straylight yeah lile the question about capitalism, I kinda get it but it's just too general
Deist (100%)

Ethical Culturist (91%)

Strong Agnostic (91%)

Naturalistic Pantheist (82%)

Unitarian Universalist (82%)

Weak Agnostic (78%)

Secular Humanist (76%)

Theravada Buddhist (76%)

Freethinker (74%)

Rationalist (74%)

Taoist (70%)

Atheistic Paganist (65%)

Ignosticist (65%)

Strong Atheist (65%)

Transhumanist (65%)

Confucianist (59%)

Implicit Atheist (59%)

Iconoclast (57%)

Objectivist (55%
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@HijabaDabbaDoo I should babble about religion to you some time. A friend managed to successfully challenge my endless hardline atheism. I'm not sure what the word is for my beliefs now. It's functionally atheism but certainly much squishier lmao
@CountScrofula interesting. I'm kinda in the middle of my own, "not knowing the word for it" journey, but I'm curious to hear how your friend managed to shift your perspective even if just a little
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@HijabaDabbaDoo Imma pm you since it'll take a bit to get together lol.
I don't even know what some of those terms mean.

Wtf 😂 Muslim countries take this very seriously, they blocked the entire website. I'll be right back. This so pathetic omg it worked with vpn.

1. Objectivist (100%)

2. Strong Agnostic (94%)

3. Ethical Culturist (87%)

4. Secular Humanist (86%)

5. Iconoclast (75%)

6. Rationalist (75%)

7. Unitarian Universalist (75%)

8. Deist (72%)

9. Naturalistic Pantheist (70%)

10. Transhumanist (70%)

11. Freethinker (67%)

12. Weak Agnostic (67%)

13. Strong Atheist (61%)

14. Taoist (61%)

15. Ignosticist (58%)

16. Theravada Buddhist (51%)

17. Implicit Atheist (46%)

18. Confucianist (44%)

19. Atheistic Paganist (41%)
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether even Turkey blocking "atheist" stuff wtf... idk why I'm so surprised but imagine if they banned a site like that how much more information the people miss out on.
@HannibalAteMeOut Porn is banned as well but that's actually a good thing so children don't access it but yea the atheist stuff is a bit too far.
My first one was 100% strong agnostic
Straylight · 31-35, F
I don’t get how some of these things are measured. Like it seems atheist is something you either are or are not. And I’m not sure what free market capitalism has to do with religion.

1. Weak Agnostic (100%)
2. Ethical Culturist (99%)
3. Transhumanist (97%)
4. Strong Agnostic (96%)
5. Rationalist (95%)
6. Secular Humanist (92%)
7. Deist (91%)
8. Strong Atheist (87%)
9. Freethinker (84%)
10. Ignosticist (82%)
11. Objectivist (81%)
12. Iconoclast (80%)
13. Unitarian Universalist (80%)
14. Implicit Atheist (78%)
15. Naturalistic Pantheist (73%)
16. Atheistic Paganist (70%)
17. Confucianist (67%)
18. Taoist (55%)
19. Theravada Buddhist (45%)
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@Straylight neither do I, I almost puked when I saw Objectivist lol.
Eternity · 26-30, M
1.Strong Agnostic(100%)More Info
2.Ethical Culturist(89%)More Info
3.Deist(85%)More Info
4.Weak Agnostic(84%)More 5.Transhumanist(84%)More
6.Naturalistic Pantheist(80%)More 7.Objectivist(80%)More 8.Freethinker(79%)More
9.Unitarian Universalist(75%)More 10.Iconoclast(74%)More 11.Rationalist(74%)More
12.Secular Humanist(74%)More 13.Ignosticist(69%)More
14.Atheistic Paganist(64%)More
15.Strong Atheist(64%)More
16.Implicit Atheist(63%)More 17.Confucianist(55%)More
19.Theravada Buddhist (22%)
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Honestly ethical culturalism seems to describe my religious beliefs a little more closely than secular humanism but whatever.

Secular Humanist (100%)
Ethical Culturist (99%)
Rationalist (88%)
Transhumanist (85%)
Implicit Atheist (84%)
Strong Agnostic (82%)
Strong Atheist (82%)
Weak Agnostic (82%)
Confucianist (77%)
Unitarian Universalist (77%)
Iconoclast (76%)
Freethinker (73%)
Ignosticist (72%)
Taoist (72%)
Theravada Buddhist (71%)
Deist (69%)
Objectivist (64%)
Naturalistic Pantheist (64%)
Atheistic Paganist (50%)
Alabama · 100+, F
Your top result is
Theravada Buddhist
Your Complete Results:
1. Theravada Buddhist (100%)
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2. Taoist (92%)
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3. Deist (72%)
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4. Naturalistic Pantheist (72%)
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5. Unitarian Universalist (72%)
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6. Implicit Atheist (65%)
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7. Ethical Culturist (62%)
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8. Strong Agnostic (62%)
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9. Transhumanist (62%)
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10. Weak Agnostic (62%)
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11. Confucianist (50%)
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12. Secular Humanist (45%)
Submit More Info
13. Atheistic Paganist (42%)
Submit More Info
14. Freethinker (42%)
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15. Objectivist (35%)
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16. Ignosticist (32%)
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17. Rationalist (32%)
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18. Iconoclast (22%)
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19. Strong Atheist (22%)

I'm mostly Buddhist?

I don't think I'm an objectivist.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
I suppose I am 99% agnostic of the supernatural.

Funny, I saw an interview with Ricky Gervais and he made a good point. Why is there even a word for not believing in God? Is there a word for not believing in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy? No.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@JimboSaturn I know but it's just a fun quiz.
[image/video deleted]
Straylight · 31-35, F
@Onestarlitnight How did you come to that?
I've always doubted a Supreme being, none of the stories made any sense. They seemed all written by men looking for control..

But there is something going on in the world.
When i was practicing ritual magic, I consecrated talismans for protection and insights and they worked..!
I've summoned lighting as absurd as that may sound.. I've had out of body experiences that i can't easily explain.
There is power in nature and we can access that power.. I've experienced it myself.
There are more mysteries in the world than we can comprehend. .

There was a time when I spent a good deal of effort studying and probing these possibilities but reality held me back..
I regret not letting go of the material world and following a more personal spiritual path..
Straylight · 31-35, F
@Onestarlitnight But the world as it is demands we participate in the society we created to get by.
shinyena · 18-21, F
1. Objectivist (100%)
2. Deist (98%)
3. Strong Agnostic (98%)
4. Ethical Culturist (85%)
5. Transhumanist (85%)
6. Iconoclast (79%)
7. Rationalist (79%)
8. Weak Agnostic (79%)
9. Secular Humanist (78%)
10. Naturalistic Pantheist (76%) tied with Taoist

I don’t know what most of this means…
PrincessKpop · 22-25, F
1. Objectivist (100%)
2. Iconoclast (97%)
3. Strong Atheist (90%)
4. Rationalist (89%)
5. Secular Humanist (89%)
6. Ignosticist (85%)
7. Strong Agnostic (77%)
8. Implicit Atheist (75%)
9. Transhumanist (74%)
10. Freethinker (70%)
GanglandCriminal97 · 26-30, M
I am a Muslim.

But you know that. And I met my soon to be wife right here on SW. Alhamdulilah, I'm so grateful.

I met the most beautiful Lebanese princess.

She is my other half. The piece of me that was always missing. As soon as I saw her for the first time I knew she was the one I looked for for a lifetime. I traveled 3,000 miles to see her in person. It was the trip that changed my life forever.
The top result is a bit surprising...

Your Complete Results:
1. Iconoclast (100%)
2. Rationalist (94%)
3. Secular Humanist (94%)
4. Strong Atheist (94%)
5. Objectivist (93%)
6. Ethical Culturist (80%)
7. Ignosticist (75%)
8. Transhumanist (75%)
9. Freethinker (74%)
10. Strong Agnostic (74%)
11. Implicit Atheist (67%)
12. Weak Agnostic (65%)
13. Confucianist (62%)
14. Atheistic Paganist (56%)
15. Deist (56%)
16. Naturalistic Pantheist (56%)
17. Unitarian Universalist (56%)
18. Taoist (48%)
19. Theravada Buddhist (43%)
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
Religion is a multi-generational fude about who has the better imaginary friend
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@WolfGirlwh0r3 pagan is a Semitic term for someone who follows one of the 10,000+ gods that isn’t the god of Judaism, Christianity or Islam. So which do you follow?
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
@pianoplayingsteve Loki Hel Sif and Fenrir at this current time
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
pagan is a Semitic term
Wrong. The word Pagan is derived from the Latin word paganus, which was a word they used for country folk. Similarly, the word heathen originally referred to one who dwelt on the heath, or hill. Kind of like the modern word hillbilly.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
I'm Mostly Pagan, Naturalistic pantheist and Spiritual, deist, Atheistic Paganist, rationalist, freethinker, agnostic, ignosticist and Humanist.
Tennessee · 46-50, F
I'm mostly Pantheist Deist a mix of Buddhist, and Unitarian Universalist, spiritual, and pagan.
Tennessee · 46-50, F
For me I'm 100% deist
Isthisit · F
Orthodox quaker
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Lol who tf downvoted me?
@basilfawlty89 The Turkish government agent who's stalking me 😅
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@basilfawlty89 probably hippyjoe
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@HannibalAteMeOut nah, he blocked me ages ago.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
9-ish. I don't believe that the gods existed before humans did. It's kind of weird and complicated, but I think humans created the gods, which do sort of exist, but not the way they think they do. Does that make sense?
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
It's good that that site didn't list "pagan" as if "pagan" refers to one religion. It's a semitic term that refers to any of the 10,000+ gods that aren't Abrahamic

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