It wasn't about picking up sticks it was about basic disrespect for God
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AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@Adstar Actually I’m pretty spot on. For you this is more of an ego thing, a sense of superiority. You pretend to have full understanding of other cultures and practices but paint them under one category, it’s never a broad spectrum for you. It was never about saving souls, it’s about being “right” or having the last word in. You don’t put yourself in others shoes. All smoke no nuance.
Adstar · 56-60, M
Nope i do not claim superiority.. It's just when the conviction of the Holy Spirit came i was not smart enough to philosophies my way of escape.. Conviction Hit and it stuck on me..
And yes i believe i am right because i believe Jesus was right.. I stick to His teachings and share them and i know i will be right in what i say.. Once a person gives up on the Idol god they want God to be and becomes open to accepting the God that is.. Then God can move them to be in a right relationship with Him..
I have been in my own shoes before i was saved and i have observed a lot of other people trapped in their shoes over the years and i can count on one hand the people who the truth of God could not Redeem...
Yes God can Redeem you Asha the door is not closed for you yet..
@Adstar Actually I’m pretty spot on. For you this is more of an ego thing, a sense of superiority.
Nope i do not claim superiority.. It's just when the conviction of the Holy Spirit came i was not smart enough to philosophies my way of escape.. Conviction Hit and it stuck on me..
And yes i believe i am right because i believe Jesus was right.. I stick to His teachings and share them and i know i will be right in what i say.. Once a person gives up on the Idol god they want God to be and becomes open to accepting the God that is.. Then God can move them to be in a right relationship with Him..
I have been in my own shoes before i was saved and i have observed a lot of other people trapped in their shoes over the years and i can count on one hand the people who the truth of God could not Redeem...
Yes God can Redeem you Asha the door is not closed for you yet..
robb65 · 56-60, M
@AshaKenyatta You missed it the moment you declared this to be a "simple yes or no" type of question and complicated it more by declaring it was "the christian god". And all that was before you brought up "saving souls".
The Sabbath was given to the Jews, the instructions as to how to keep it was given to the Jews, as well as all the finer details that were passed down and don't actually appear in your bible.
The guy knew what he was doing was forbidden. Before the death penalty could be enforced someone had to remind him that he was subject to execution, he had to acknowledge that, and keep doing what he was doing and there had to be witnesses who heard him acknowledge that and keep picking up sticks. So no, he wasn't just executed because he forgot he wasn't supposed to be picking up sticks.
According to one midrash he basically volunteered to be executed to prove to the rest of the crowd how serious G-d was about his instructions.
"Saving souls" isn't a Jewish concept, you're taking bits and pieces of one religion and trying to mix them with bits and pieces of a different religion. As bad as I hate to split hairs and refer to G-d as "Christian" or "Jewish" you can't really blame the "christian god" for this.
The Sabbath was given to the Jews, the instructions as to how to keep it was given to the Jews, as well as all the finer details that were passed down and don't actually appear in your bible.
The guy knew what he was doing was forbidden. Before the death penalty could be enforced someone had to remind him that he was subject to execution, he had to acknowledge that, and keep doing what he was doing and there had to be witnesses who heard him acknowledge that and keep picking up sticks. So no, he wasn't just executed because he forgot he wasn't supposed to be picking up sticks.
According to one midrash he basically volunteered to be executed to prove to the rest of the crowd how serious G-d was about his instructions.
"Saving souls" isn't a Jewish concept, you're taking bits and pieces of one religion and trying to mix them with bits and pieces of a different religion. As bad as I hate to split hairs and refer to G-d as "Christian" or "Jewish" you can't really blame the "christian god" for this.

Pfuzylogic · M
When speaking of the Christian God it is best to capitalize the G of you are trying to be the least respectful in Who they believe.
Pfuzylogic · M
Thank you for exposing your hateful agenda. You should include that in your post so you don’t ambush responders with your hate, boy.
Thank you for exposing your hateful agenda. You should include that in your post so you don’t ambush responders with your hate, boy.
AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@Pfuzylogic Lmao, “boy” white people really have the nerve, I always known you were a closet racist.
Lynda70 · F
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Does the potter need to justify himself to the clay?
AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@hippyjoe1955 Spoken like a true member of a death cult. To never question the deity or leaders is literally in the cult handbook.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@AshaKenyatta The only death cult is the one you belong to. Christians believe in eternal life. As a pastor once said as he was conducting a funeral, "I don't believe in life after death. I believe in Life after life".
AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@hippyjoe1955 What cult do I belong to since you’re throwing out baseless assumptions? Better yet how is it that countries where the abrahamic cults are the majority they are full of so much death, oppression, human rights violations. Your cult spread through violence and fear eradicating natives and aboriginals destroying entire languages and cultures. Your numbers are built off the blood and death, and based on your conduct there is absolutely no salvation for you.
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AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@jshm2 Cult programming is so strong that you wrote this and didn’t see anything wrong with this.
graphite · 61-69, M
Old Testament stuff. Not really applicable anymore.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@graphite that is not the question
Adstar · 56-60, M
4meAndyou · F
We don't get to sit in judgement on the actions of God.
AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou Spoken like a true cult member.
4meAndyou · F
@AshaKenyatta I had no idea you were anti-God, and anti-Judeo Christian. Since you are, I will block you after giving you five minutes to read my response.
AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou You people actually go against the true teachings you follow a distortion while claiming truth but can’t even answer simple questions. Go ahead and block me. I literally could care less what a colonizer thinks.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Ain't a Christian. No
are you going to use this in an argument?
are you going to use this in an argument?
AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@Jackaloftheazuresand How many people actually answered yes or no?
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@AshaKenyatta like 4
It's kind of a loaded question since morals aren't real, is it any wonder they wouldn't
It's kind of a loaded question since morals aren't real, is it any wonder they wouldn't
AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@Jackaloftheazuresand And the ones that answered yes are absolute madlads. 3 of them I know for a fact are pro slavery. And it’s always the exact same ones.
It’s a fairytale book,
eMortal · M
“Those were dark times. We don’t do that anymore” 🫢
Tres13 · 51-55, M
Si There are consequences

who cares
AshaKenyatta · 61-69, M
@SW-User It’s always the buttertooths sticking their business in matters that don’t include them
MarieUK · 36-40, F
every religion has its Faults
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M